Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
That's the precise reason I never tip. Well, that and being a cheapskate.

Best non-cough incident was Harrods in 2016. Went there purposefully for some nosh at one of their restaurants knowing they tacked on 8% to the bill as a gratuity (a highbrow term for tip or service charge). I presumed - correctly I discovered months later - that the store pocketed all those discretionary payments that the cheeky baskets added automatically.

I declined to pay the excess and a manager was called. At first glance, and as I hoped, I could tell he was a seasoned bullshitter. Told him I wasn't prepared to contribute to his company's sneaky maximising profit scheme. He persisted with the faux charm offensive and only scuttled off when I amplified the same line twice more.
Nice try, Organ but I think you've forgotten why the manager really talked to you. You were seen in the pet section of Harrods crouched over a distressed cockatoo in a suggestive position that even shocked the shop's many Arab customers. When you told the manager you were a Pet Groomer he said "We can see that". Shouting "I just wanted to touch a cockatoo" as you were hurled into the street only led to looks of revulsion and did nothing to help your cause.