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Thread: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

  1. #51

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

  2. #52

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Almost everyone there got cheap 'extremely restricted view' seats. Shit venue.

  3. #53

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Bunting count on my drive from Treherbert to Tonypandy this morning = three (two of them, sadly, in Tynewydd, my home village), there were also three or four Welsh Dragon flags on show (the guy who's getting married today isn't the Prince of Wales is he or are they some sort of anti Royalist statement?).

    I can just about comprehend how someone might vote Tory, choose Trump over Clinton or even support the wurzels, but what on earth persuades grown adults to decorate their houses or spend up to a week camping in Windsor to celebrate the marriage of two of our "betters"?
    ..probably exactly the same sentiment that many expressed when the great unwashed and un-educated voted for Brexit. There will be a thousand times as many people watching/enjoying/celebrating the Wedding as any politician of any persuasion attract for any public occassion..

  4. #54

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    ..probably exactly the same sentiment that many expressed when the great unwashed and un-educated voted for Brexit. There will be a thousand times as many people watching/enjoying/celebrating the Wedding as any politician of any persuasion attract for any public occassion..
    Knew that vote Tory bit would ruffle a few feathers.

  5. #55
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    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    ..probably exactly the same sentiment that many expressed when the great unwashed and un-educated voted for Brexit. There will be a thousand times as many people watching/enjoying/celebrating the Wedding as any politician of any persuasion attract for any public occassion..
    Are you suggesting that only your version of an educated person should have been permitted to vote on this question?

  6. #56

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    For richer or......poorer?????

  7. #57

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Who was that absolute stunner in front of Meghan's mum ?

    Phwoar !!!

  8. #58

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    I like Harry. He doesn’t come across as superior or aloof in any way to me and he uses the status thrust upon him to be an agent for good. It’s really the only meaningful role royalty can play anymore and he does it well. What’s not to like about his bride either?

    I’m no royalist but they’re both ok by me

  9. #59

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    What time does it start?

  10. #60

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Knew that vote Tory bit would ruffle a few feathers.
    believe it or not, I've never voted Tory. My views, whether on immigration, re-nationalizing Utilities, benefit-scroungers, bankers, they're my personal views and not aligned to any one political party. I've never expected to benefit personally for any one political party, so just got/get on with things. You could have said 'labour' or Libdem', ..

    I don't get the 'betters' bit either. I doubt very few of themillions watching on TV and the couple of hundred thousand there live would consider Harry and Megham to be their 'betters'.. They're just happy and enjoying the occasion..

  11. #61
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What time does it start?
    5.15 I think.

  12. #62

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    believe it or not, I've never voted Tory. My views, whether on immigration, re-nationalizing Utilities, benefit-scroungers, bankers, they're my personal views and not aligned to any one political party. I've never expected to benefit personally for any one political party, so just got/get on with things. You could have said 'labour' or Libdem', ..

    I don't get the 'betters' bit either. I doubt very few of themillions watching on TV and the couple of hundred thousand there live would consider Harry and Megham to be their 'betters'.. They're just happy and enjoying the occasion..
    I didn’t get the ‘betters’ bit either... sounded more bitter to me.

  13. #63

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    There can be few doubts that a great many British citizens perceive Royal Family members to be their betters. It's why all those who are introduced to any them bow or curtsy in a display of subservience.

    On another note, until perusing this thread I wasn't aware Bobsy Wilson is now a resident of Rhondda. I must presume the 'when in Rome' custom will soon take effect by him greeting everyone, including women, with "hello, boyo" and that virtually every sentence he utters will include a "mun" or two along with an occasional "I turned round and said, see".

  14. #64

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    I would never unilaterally bow to another human being. Mutually bowed many times with people from the Far East.

  15. #65

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I would never unilaterally bow to another human being. Mutually bowed many times with people from the Far East.
    There's nothing like a bilateral bow when doing a bit of bonding is there.

  16. #66
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Are you suggesting that only your version of an educated person should have been permitted to vote on this question?

    It’s why are you invited to put an X against your preference. Helps those who are not able to write their names possibly

  17. #67

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Nicky Witchell lalala
    Nicky Witchell Lalala
    That wierd twat always looks exhausted, too many cry wanks wearing lady di's old dresses.

  18. #68

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I can remember going to Pugh's Garden Store by the Tynant five years ago when there was a Royal Wedding (presumably it was the bloke who's getting married tomorrow's brother?). I seem to remember it was around this time of year and that store is always pretty crowded in the spring - there was just me and one other customer there and the roads were deserted.

    All I can think is that this board is wholly unrepresentative of the public at large, because you can't seem to avoid people talking about the wedding at the moment.

    Incidentally, I wasn't being flippant earlier, I genuinely don't know the names of the couple getting married - I know the names of both of Diana's sons, but I never know which one is which.

    Needless to say, I'll not be watching much telly and listening to much radio over this weekend!
    I saw Time Bandits for the for the first time when Chuck and Di got hitched. Cardiff was like a ghost town.

  19. #69

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    I didn’t get the ‘betters’ bit either... sounded more bitter to me.
    There was a time when the word "bitter" could be used in describing how I felt towards individuals in the Royal Family, but now I'd say indifference describes it better.

    If we are to have a monarch, then I feel the current one, the only one there's been in my lifetime, will be regarded by history as having done a pretty good job. Similarly, although I know very little about them, Diana's two sons come over as decent human beings to me.

    At the end of it all though, they are just people and you get good ones and bad ones just as in every other walk of life. If we are talking about "betters", I'm pretty sure that there are millions of people in this country, including some in the Royal Family, who are better than me in terms of the type of person they are, the way they have lived their life and the way they have contributed to society. However, equally, I'm pretty sure that I am better than millions in this country, including some in the Royal Family, when it comes to those qualities I listed.

    It all comes down to respect with me. This is something that has to be earned in my opinion and I'll admit to a degree of it towards the Queen. In saying that, I see no reason whatsoever why I should respect someone just because they are born into better circumstances than I was and this is at the heart of my feelings throughout my life towards the concept of Royalty - there are many aspects to being a Royal which I would rate as negatives, but, essentially, they live a life that has far more that is good about it than bad and only do so because of the family they were born into. As I mentioned earlier, I was bitter about such things once, now it doesn't bother me as much, but I would say it is tougher for them to earn my respect than it is for the "ordinary man/woman in the street".

    I don't automatically assume that the Royal Family are better than me and never will do, but I fundamentally disagree with anyone who argues that none of the people who come out of the woodwork when there is a Royal birth/marriage/death feel that Royalty are better than them - you only have to catch some of the fawning nature of both questions and answers in the coverage of such events to see that.

  20. #70
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    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    \the so-called expert on Royal etiquette made a complete arse of herself on worl television yesterday saying "When the queen first addresses you you should answer with "Your royal Higness and after that with ma'am"
    I think the silly cow needs to go back to doig whatever she did before she was an 'expert'. Cringingly embarrassing.

  21. #71
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    \the so-called expert on Royal etiquette made a complete arse of herself on worl television yesterday saying "When the queen first addresses you you should answer with "Your royal Higness and after that with ma'am"
    I think the silly cow needs to go back to doig whatever she did before she was an 'expert'. Cringingly embarrassing.

    How would I address her if she calls out to me something along the lines of

    “Oi you scruffy wanker fk off my lawn with your shitty dog”

  22. #72

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    I was very republican growing up but as I’ve got older I’ve moved more to indifference and maybe even a quiet liking for some of them.

    I think Diana’s death changed it for me. I remember hating the hysteria and thinking the Queen was initially right about shielding her famlly from
    It. It wastheir loss, and I hated the over the top waliing from people who’d never met her.

    Her two sons I’ve got to quite like over the years they seem decent blokes. My mates brother in law worked with william in Anglesey and said he’s a top bloke. I felt for them having to be seen in public grieving over their mother, added to the lurid stories about her love life it Must have been shit hearing that.

    If people enjoyed it good for them, I’ve got enough shit going on in my life to get angry over some family born into wealth which most people in this country still want to have as an institution.

  23. #73

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    There was a time when the word "bitter" could be used in describing how I felt towards individuals in the Royal Family, but now I'd say indifference describes it better.

    If we are to have a monarch, then I feel the current one, the only one there's been in my lifetime, will be regarded by history as having done a pretty good job. Similarly, although I know very little about them, Diana's two sons come over as decent human beings to me.

    At the end of it all though, they are just people and you get good ones and bad ones just as in every other walk of life. If we are talking about "betters", I'm pretty sure that there are millions of people in this country, including some in the Royal Family, who are better than me in terms of the type of person they are, the way they have lived their life and the way they have contributed to society. However, equally, I'm pretty sure that I am better than millions in this country, including some in the Royal Family, when it comes to those qualities I listed.

    It all comes down to respect with me. This is something that has to be earned in my opinion and I'll admit to a degree of it towards the Queen. In saying that, I see no reason whatsoever why I should respect someone just because they are born into better circumstances than I was and this is at the heart of my feelings throughout my life towards the concept of Royalty - there are many aspects to being a Royal which I would rate as negatives, but, essentially, they live a life that has far more that is good about it than bad and only do so because of the family they were born into. As I mentioned earlier, I was bitter about such things once, now it doesn't bother me as much, but I would say it is tougher for them to earn my respect than it is for the "ordinary man/woman in the street".

    I don't automatically assume that the Royal Family are better than me and never will do, but I fundamentally disagree with anyone who argues that none of the people who come out of the woodwork when there is a Royal birth/marriage/death feel that Royalty are better than them - you only have to catch some of the fawning nature of both questions and answers in the coverage of such events to see that.
    Virtually every other Country has a politician as Head of State. Were one of them to get married, or their siblings, I doubt it would register at all with the general public. People in this country [quite rightly] have a disdain for their politicians, and few but the fanatical would cheer and wave at the sight of one of them. The fact that they are non-political is part of their allure..

  24. #74

    Re: The Official Royal Wedding Thread

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