I was very republican growing up but as I’ve got older I’ve moved more to indifference and maybe even a quiet liking for some of them.

I think Diana’s death changed it for me. I remember hating the hysteria and thinking the Queen was initially right about shielding her famlly from
It. It wastheir loss, and I hated the over the top waliing from people who’d never met her.

Her two sons I’ve got to quite like over the years they seem decent blokes. My mates brother in law worked with william in Anglesey and said he’s a top bloke. I felt for them having to be seen in public grieving over their mother, added to the lurid stories about her love life it Must have been shit hearing that.

If people enjoyed it good for them, I’ve got enough shit going on in my life to get angry over some family born into wealth which most people in this country still want to have as an institution.