Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
I have no doubt that the official version of events may be a little askew from the actual facts but it is leap of faith that the alternatives proposed or imagined are in any way more credible.

It is absolutely right to challenge stories and events presented as the authorised and unambiguous truth, particularly around the murky world of espionage, international relations and politics. However that does not mean that those who intuitively or automatically buy in to the counter-narrative immediately take on the status of shamen, seeing what others can't or won't see and taking condescending potshots at those not blessed with the gift. Yet all the time it would appear that those mystics are guessing, just like the rest of us!

It's a football messageboard, full of second rate analysts and third rate psychics, me included. We are not going to change the world but a bit of banter, wit and debate helps keep the claws sharpened for other important things!
Is the government version any more believable than the alternative? Let us assume that they were actually poisoned with a nerve agent which supposedly was only manufactured in Russia. Why would the Russians deliberately implicate themselves and then later deny they had anything to do with it. You must admit that it is more likely that someone wanted to blame the Russians – i.e. a false flag operation. As far as I can see every government claim about this case is less likely than some alternative explanation.

Some highly unlikely things do happen in the world. I could tell you a few things that have happened to me. If I told you then you would say that never happened. You would call me a liar and I would tell you it did happen but I don't blame you calling me a liar. If someone told me the same story I would not believe them.

That is the difference between my unlikely story and the government's unlikely story. I would start off by saying you will not believe this but…. However the government expects us to believe every word of their story. They jumped straight in and started blaming people without enough evidence and without any sense of doubt about their case. That lack of caution is one of the things that make me think it was all a setup.