Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
This turgid melodrama enters another week and as with all those that preceded and will proceed no indictments are forthcoming. The Clintons, Shrubs, Obummer and Michael his wife and all other creepy crawlies that dotard Don is supposedly the enemy of haven't a care in the world.
Well done for correctly identifying how all democracies work. The checks and balances are in place to stop mavericks having any free rein. You will see a repeat performance should Jeremy Corbyn ever cheat the system and get elected. So yeah, if the Trump administration even gets one indictment it will be a major miracle. Just getting elected was a stunning achievement as he wasn't supposed to get past all the dirty tricks. Watch and learn Sir Organ of Morgan, this is a very interesting case study for all potential candidates of change. The rigged game is being revealed in ever greater detail.