Loramski, you are right to say the debate is chaotic. There are a multiple variables that have to be considered when analysing the academy set up. I like that you are looking for empirical data to question things. Though without having (the possibly never gathered) stats on Welsh footballers physical attributes to back up my claim, or Gringo's rather, I feel quite conclusive that over the past fifteen years or so at least Welsh footballers tend to be smaller than many of our competitors.

The only players I can think of in the last decade and a half who have been capped and are over six foot are: Hennessey, Ward, Collins, McDonald, Vokes (dual national), possibly Ledley and maybe Tudor-Jones (?). Perhaps there are a couple of others. Our other goalkeepers through the age groups at the moment seem to be under 6 foot. As are our three starting centre backs who are all 5"10.

It does seem to be a continual trait to me but then the Welsh talent pot is small so the data is probably volatile.