Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Over to the Drain-The-Swamp-Trump-style desk now, where we see that the conservative Koch brothers and their billionaire mates are delighted at the number of policy changes that the Trump admin have made. They are particularly pleased that the US is withdrawing from Paris and the clean air bill is biting the dust.

"Despite some public antagonism over Trump — including flirtations with replacing him as the nominee with Ryan at the Republican National Convention — the Koch brothers have enjoyed incredible access with his administration. The president’s lawyer, Don McGahn; the president’s chief liaison to Congress, Marc Short; and the president’s counselor, Kellyanne Conway all previously worked for the Koch network before taking their current positions in the White House. Ethics forms reveal that officials across the government, including at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, previously served at Koch think tanks or other Koch groups. Vice President Mike Pence also maintains a very close relationship with the Koch brothers.

The Koch brothers are also hoping to fundamentally reshape other aspects of American society, including labor unions and the judiciary."

Looks like the Kock's swing both ways ..
