Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
When I used to drink, I can remember mates or people we were out with saying that they couldn't drink certain drinks as it had an 'affect' on their behaviour, character, or would cause almighty hangovers.

Now, not being a heavy drinker, I can't really say that I ever noticed or experienced this kind of thing, I could certainly differentiate between the taste, although the affect was pretty much the same whatever I drank.

A few examples-A bloke I know was banned from drinking cider in his local due to him turning into a maniac after a few pints, no such problem with Lager.

Stella would cause horrific hangovers, my mate reckoned that if he drank enough of it, he's be steaming pissed, but couldn't sleep.

Red Stripe-Loopy juice.

Caffreys-Mother of all hangovers.

Is it bullshit? Urban Myth stuff? Or, is the way a drink is brewed, the additives, ingredients etc instrumental in turning a normal person into a complete menace, even if those drinks are roughly the same strength? C'mon, 'Let's be 'avin you'
Caffreys was made weaker a couple of years after it was launched, it was a real handful causing horrific hangovers. Same with Carling premier, I'm sure it has something to do with the gas that makes it so smooth, causing the hangovers.

Late 80's/early 90's K cider used to make me go loopy, trouble is I used to love it, the drink that is.