Never was much of a lager drinker, but I can remember having a pint of hooligans and thinking it was awful - sorry, there was no way I was ever going to touch a drink called Faust! From memory, SA (skull attack) was only 4.2 ABV wasn't it? I went through a phase of drinking it in my late teens when I thought it was cool to drink something as strong, but I soon graduated on to Brains Light and that was my tipple for thirty odd years before I knocked drinking on the head about six years ago - you can always count the number of pints I have a year these days on the fingers of one hand, but they are still bitters with a pretty low ABV.
I used to like cider by way of a change, especially in summer, but a Friday night disco at Companies House in about 1980 where I decided to stick on the Strongbow all night after the pub we met up in beforehand didn't have a beer I liked, put me off that stuff for life - I was still suffering from the hangover during my lunch break from work on the following Monday!