Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
The last few days have been unbelievable, and they'll probably form their own chapter in history books of the future. America has turned its back on its closest allies, and in spectacular fashion with phrases like "a special place in hell" coming from an adviser to the president, and just one plane trip later it welcomes a nuclear armed authoritarian outcast and submits to them without asking for anything meaningful in return.
It’s genuinly terrifying. Look at the front pages of the express and the sun today, I remember a few years ago it was shocking how right leaning everywhere was becoming. But it’s way beyond that now, we are in the first throws of actually outright facism. It’s not even a superlative anymore that’s literally where we are.

Two Tory MPs stepped down today because they thought brexit was not being negotiated in a way that would benefit the country. They even explicitly said they still thought brexit should be pushed through yet were being called traitors.