Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
It doesn't sound like you have any idea about the point you are trying to make, I thought you were going somewhere with this.

If you want me to help you out with explaining that document ( https://www.scribd.com/document/3818...8-0#from_embed ),I've just had a quick enough look at it (searched some keywords) to be able to summarise the points from the page you shared in relation to the purpose of the investigation.

[1] Anthony Weiner was the focus of an investigation (not the OIG one, but the main one that lead to it). He's a scumbag, a pervert and a convicted sex offender.

[3]Weiner engaged in illegal sexual activity with an underage girl.

On 29th June 2016, a Federal Search Warrant was granted for Weiner's laptop and other electronic devices for investigating any evidence relating to the crime(s).

The initial analysis of Weiner's laptop by case agents found thousands of emails which caught their attention.

These emails were from/to and relating to Hilary Clinton and The Clinton Foundation. They were brought to the attention of high ranking FBI officials as it was deemed an Intelligence matter, due to the sensitivity of being in possession of the former First Lady/Secretary of State and current Presedential Candidate.

The case agents were told that the federal search warrant only permitted them to investigate "evidence of crimes related to the sexual exploitation of children, enticement, and obscenity”.

How did I do?
Very good, keep on going. It's more interesting when viewed with the New York leak info which had similar content, only in more detail. But as I said it was dismissed as a conspiracy theory by the media at the time, so it would need a more robust approach to make any correlation, such as questioning the FBI guy with the bad memory in that OIG report under oath. Also they would have to review the actual data held on the laptop, as I seem to recall the leadership at HQ weren't all that keen to have this matter investigated thouroughly.