Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
'Cohen pleaded guilty to two counts of making contributions in excess of $25,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election.

Trump's former lawyer told a federal court on Tuesday that he made two payments, one for $150,000 in the summer of 2016 and another in Oct. 2016 of $130,000, both at the direction of Trump. The payments were to former Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, both of whom have claimed to have had affairs with Trump. The president has denied those allegations.

Cohen also filed invoices to the Trump Organization to be reimbursed for those payments, masking them as services rendered for 2017 even though he did not provide legal services to the president that year.

The crimes carry a maximum sentence of 65 years, but sentencing guidelines recommend 46-63 months of prison time'

I've highlighted the key points for you. The crime would have apparently been to a lesser degree if they had actually used campaign funds. Trump has now categorically said, on camera, that campaign funds were not used, possibly incriminating himself even further.

So Trump is going to jail for 65 years? Hillary had better dust off her cowboy boots then

BTW why did Dershowitz say it is perfectly normal to payoff people to avoid damaging publicity, in this case to his wife and family?

Anyway, the proof of the pudding will be found in a Trump prosecution, if and when it occurs.

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