Right lets go

My daughter has just started Yr 11, so come Nov needs to apply for 6 form / college etc etc, she hasnt really got a huge idea on what she wants to do as a job, she mentions something in sport ( which i can see ) but nothing 100%

a bit of background on her at the mo

She loves Sports, plays county netball and plays for 2 top local teams ( one adult, one Jnr ) would like to go and play super league, Her coach last year said she very well could achieve that, we have had a number of chats with Eng U21 coaches about it ( though she has no interest in playing for England, but as she said, IF Eng are interested, Wales will be ( as the Wales Netball are really years behind Eng , due to funding mainly imho ) but my parents head says she needs to have something to " fall back on ", her predicated grades are 7 in most ( 2 are 8, one of them Eng Lang ) , she has just passed her BTEC sports Lv 1 with a Distinction * ( a year early )

She also teaches swimming as a hobby at our local swimming club, also runs her schools netball club and coaches the Yr 7 and 8's, she really appears to enjoy coaching

So she has to choose what route to go

Her school and the local few do Little A levels that really interest her, she has mentioned Eng Lang, Physiology and sports ( sport is not a A level but the equivalent done by another outfit ) , the only 1 she really wants to is the sports one, will she put the effort into the others if she isnt that interested in them ? ? ?

A local College are doing a BTEC sports Lv 3 , now this interests her, but also worries her, as if she gets to the end of it in 3 years time and decides on a Uni course, if it is nothing to do with Sports, that BTEC will be rather pointless ( despite being the equivalent as 3 A Levels )

We are going to speak to our local Uni and the schools Career adviser, but thought someone on here might do it / have done it and we can have a heads-up on it

cheers in advance