Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
The question concerned was about Wales-Bale generalising about everybody having embedded opinions but not to worry....
I haven't seen anybody who has changed their opinion about either Kavanaugh or Ford, so they sure look like embedded opinions to me.

This is what I actually said:

Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Everybody already has an embedded opinion regarding her testimony, I don't think any factual discussion is going to change what people think. Obviously that may change if the FBI come out with any startling revelations.
It looks like a pretty accurate statement to me after seeing how things have played out, and I wasn't generalising at all, I was being to the point.

Actually the only person who has changed their opinion on here is me. I've gone from thinking she was mistaken, to she is probably in on it. This is because her "beach friend" who was advising on her every move is a lifelong pal from high school who is an veteran ex-DOJ attorney and councel for the FBI with 24 years service. If you recall Ford claimed to to have no idea about lawyers or the legal process!

Furthermore, you have accused me of lacking self-awareness, when I have been the only person who has submitted any evidence which has advanced the storyline forward. We now have questions about the two front doors, the marriage relationship therapist who ran a business from Ford's house, and now the DOJ/FBI best friend.