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Thread: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

  1. #251

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I haven't seen anybody who has changed their opinion about either Kavanaugh or Ford, so they sure look like embedded opinions to me.

    This is what I actually said:

    It looks like a pretty accurate statement to me after seeing how things have played out, and I wasn't generalising at all, I was being to the point.

    Actually the only person who has changed their opinion on here is me. I've gone from thinking she was mistaken, to she is probably in on it. This is because her "beach friend" who was advising on her every move is a lifelong pal from high school who is an veteran ex-DOJ attorney and councel for the FBI with 24 years service. If you recall Ford claimed to to have no idea about lawyers or the legal process!

    Furthermore, you have accused me of lacking self-awareness, when I have been the only person who has submitted any evidence which has advanced the storyline forward. We now have questions about the two front doors, the marriage relationship therapist who ran a business from Ford's house, and now the DOJ/FBI best friend.
    As I have stated at least twice that I have not at any stage expressed an opinion as to whether her story is correct I don't have an 'embedded' opinion. You repeatedly ignore anything that goes against your generalising of other people. That is why is mentioned your lack of self-awareness when a simple point is made to you (and repeatedly in a hope that it may get through at some juncture). You seem to broadcast but not receive. And just did so again. QED.

  2. #252

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    As I have stated at least twice that I have not at any stage expressed an opinion as to whether her story is correct I don't have an 'embedded' opinion. You repeatedly ignore anything that goes against your generalising of other people. That is why is mentioned your lack of self-awareness when a simple point is made to you (and repeatedly in a hope that it may get through at some juncture). You seem to broadcast but not receive. And just did so again. QED.
    Early on you were saying Kavanaugh was lying, that he was guilty, that he shouldn't be allowed to be a supreme court justice. That sounds like an opinion to me. I said he was being set up. There we have two embedded opinions that haven't changed. I heard what you said about the woman. I said the same thing, so we agreed on that until I changed my opinion, due to the revalation that her best friend and advisor was an FBI/DOJ lawyer. What do you want me to do? Should I give you a medal and tell you how clever you are? Or maybe I should recommend you for an OBE? Why haven't you praised me for my opinion and my new discoveries? Where is your self-awareness? Why are you singling me out, and not the other who don't acknowledge what others have to say, and are a lot ruder than me. For example, I have shown with plenty of evidence that the Trump Russia Collusion narrative is a manufactured construct, and it has been totally ridiciculed. I really don't know where you are going with this, it's all getting rather bizarre

  3. #253

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Yes but one of them is lying. And why is he struggling so much to prove his integrity? Some of his responses are excrutiating.
    This is not a neutral statement, you have have clearly expressed an opinion that one of them is lying, and you are already showing a hint of bias against Kavanaugh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I have watched every second so far and he is, without doubt, dishonest, evasive and narcissistic.
    This backs up my first point

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    And only one of them has taken a polygraph test.
    You are implying that Ford has passed a polygraph test, so it must be Kavanaugh who is lying?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    That isn't correct though, is it? Being aware of things and them existing are two different things.
    I'm struggling with this one. You cannot be aware of something that does not exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    And don't forget that she not only passed the polygraph but has called for the FBI to establish some of the circumstantial evidence. On the other hand, he has reacted quite differently. He has been lying through his teeth about his semi-angelic youth and he has clearly shown that he is unsuitable for the job whatever.
    Here we are back to you insinuating that he must be the one who is lying, hence Ford is not lying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The polygraph would be of no relevance whatsoever if it didn't include any mention of him.
    Again implying that she must be the one who is truthful. In reality they won't hand over the test details. Why is that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Have you just answered your question? Even if you don't think you did I have to keep reminding you that she WANTS further investigation to establish the truth. On the other hand, he doesn't. I'll be amazed if he survives this as more statements about him are coming on record every day. Like many events in politics it's not necessarily the original incident that sinks a politician but the lies in covering up those incidents.
    Yet more taking sides and distorting of the the truth. Kavanaugh said it was up to the Judiciary Committee to decide if there should be any further investigations. He wasn't against it at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Kavanaugh's supporters would have jumped on any talk of a polygraph that didn't include any mention of Kavanaugh (and for very obvious reason).

    How could they when the Ford lawyers won't release them? You seem to be hoping this is true to pin the guilt on Kavanaugh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The opportunity for the FBI to get involved would obviously present a better opportunity to establish some of the claims on both sides. Ignoring information that can be gleaned outside the current sessions is hardly justice and rather negligent concerning a very serious subject. Some of the Democrats have been asking for just one week's grace.
    Now you are pushing the Democrat talking points. Are you sure you are not showing bias here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Not sure of the fine detail. There are certainly some inconsistencies with some things on her side. However, she still came over as more credible that the pompous, egotistical and untruthful judge. Her case may never be proven but he has shown what he is made of....and beyond reasonable doubt.
    Now you are saying that Ford is more credible than Kavanaugh. That is an opinion, yet you said you haven't formed one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Interviewing third parties from whom they have merely received statements handed on a plate hitherto. The biggest omission being his alleged accomplice.
    You seem to be constructing roadblocks here. The statements were made under penalty of perjury.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I have mentioned inconsistencies on her side and there are many on his. You seem to be the one with the blinkers on as you not only misconstrue what I wrote but your views have been totally unilateral so far. My main perspective is that he is dishonest about his past, which should preclude him from taking up the position he seeks.
    What inconstancies have you mentioned about Ford? Hardly any as far as I can see, but you have been consistently against Kavanaugh and you are certain that he is the one who is lying, and we established from your first statement that only one of them is telling the truth!

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Let's not personalise this and stick to what is relevant. The guy has repeatedly been dishonest about his youth and rather than take the opportunity to be honest now he has repeatedly lied, obfuscated, re-emphasised his lies in TV interviews and responded to questions with narcissistic rants, idiotic comments and petulant responses. He has painted himself whiter than white and it appears that it's just not true. If I was an American I would be very concerned that someone so dishonest and manipulative could be considered for the post he aspires to.
    Ok, I get it! It's Kavanaugh who is lying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The last couple of days have been about the guy's suitability for a very important post. It's obvious that party politics are hugely involved but his integrity is shot.
    So that the fact that Ford may be framing him is irrelevant?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Please don't go off at tangents regarding statements I make regarding the credibility of Kavanaugh. I don't wish to align myself with your views in general.
    So I shouldn't mention your extreme bias? And you talk about self-awareness!

  4. #254

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    This is not a neutral statement, you have have clearly expressed an opinion that one of them is lying, and you are already showing a hint of bias against Kavanaugh.

    This backs up my first point

    You are implying that Ford has passed a polygraph test, so it must be Kavanaugh who is lying?

    I'm struggling with this one. You cannot be aware of something that does not exist.

    Here we are back to you insinuating that he must be the one who is lying, hence Ford is not lying.

    Again implying that she must be the one who is truthful. In reality they won't hand over the test details. Why is that?

    Yet more taking sides and distorting of the the truth. Kavanaugh said it was up to the Judiciary Committee to decide if there should be any further investigations. He wasn't against it at all.

    How could they when the Ford lawyers won't release them? You seem to be hoping this is true to pin the guilt on Kavanaugh.

    Now you are pushing the Democrat talking points. Are you sure you are not showing bias here?

    Now you are saying that Ford is more credible than Kavanaugh. That is an opinion, yet you said you haven't formed one.

    You seem to be constructing roadblocks here. The statements were made under penalty of perjury.

    What inconstancies have you mentioned about Ford? Hardly any as far as I can see, but you have been consistently against Kavanaugh and you are certain that he is the one who is lying, and we established from your first statement that only one of them is telling the truth!

    Ok, I get it! It's Kavanaugh who is lying!

    So that the fact that Ford may be framing him is irrelevant?

    So I shouldn't mention your extreme bias? And you talk about self-awareness!
    If you want to take this polemicism lark seriously I'd invest in a good skin thickening cream.

  5. #255

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    If you want to take this polemicism lark seriously I'd invest in a good skin thickening cream.
    You always have a lot things to say, but I can't recall you ever saying one thing that I didn't already know!

  6. #256

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You always have a lot things to say, but I can't recall you ever saying one thing that I didn't already know!
    What, not even correcting the bollocks you posted on ICE-1?

  7. #257

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Early on you were saying Kavanaugh was lying, that he was guilty, that he shouldn't be allowed to be a supreme court justice. That sounds like an opinion to me. I said he was being set up. There we have two embedded opinions that haven't changed. I heard what you said about the woman. I said the same thing, so we agreed on that until I changed my opinion, due to the revalation that her best friend and advisor was an FBI/DOJ lawyer. What do you want me to do? Should I give you a medal and tell you how clever you are? Or maybe I should recommend you for an OBE? Why haven't you praised me for my opinion and my new discoveries? Where is your self-awareness? Why are you singling me out, and not the other who don't acknowledge what others have to say, and are a lot ruder than me. For example, I have shown with plenty of evidence that the Trump Russia Collusion narrative is a manufactured construct, and it has been totally ridiciculed. I really don't know where you are going with this, it's all getting rather bizarre
    Where did I say he was guilty? I stated that he was dishonest about his past and not that he was guilty of the offence. Thanks for your immature response whilst getting it wrong.

  8. #258

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So take him (Kavanaugh) out in a Maryland court of law and finish the job! They will also have the benefit of discovery to gain access to evidence that is a lot more incriminating (works both ways though), plus there will be forensic examinations in court to prevent any theatrics.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Bart ain't all that good a choice anyway, he's far too wimpy. I hope they select somebody who is way better than him.
    Posted in the interests of balance.

  9. #259

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Where did I say he was guilty? I stated that he was dishonest about his past and not that he was guilty of the offence. Thanks for your immature response whilst getting it wrong.
    You said one of them was lying, and then proceeded to build a case to show that Kavanaugh was lying, and you even went as far to say that Ford was more credible than Kavanaugh.

  10. #260

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You said one of them was lying, and then proceeded to build a case that Kavanaugh was lying, even going as far to say that Ford was more credible than Kavanaugh.
    Oh dear, oh dear. I didn't state that he was guilty and no matter how many times you post on here you won't change that fact despite your stating that I did. I'll let you have the last word as I know that you will try and convince yourself that you aren't wrong.

  11. #261

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Everybody already has an embedded opinion regarding her testimony, I don't think any factual discussion is going to change what people think. Obviously that may change if the FBI come out with any startling revelations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Really? I remember saying that she sounded credible but there were inconsistencies in her testimony. Some of us make an effort to be even-minded rather than continually seeing just one side of an argument.
    Farkin' hell mate

  12. #262

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Apologies for my not noticing that you had also flagged up all the inconsistencies about his descriptions about his general behaviour in his youth (which are probably outright lies) that I mentioned and which I thought made him unsuitable for the post he is seeking. I must have missed that.

    And how can everyone's views be considered as 'embedded' when people like me have neither declared him guilty of the alleged the offence nor accused her of lying as yet?
    You posed this as a rhetorical question, is it any wonder that I didn't answer? And then you went all passive aggressive on me!

  13. #263

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Oh dear, oh dear. I didn't state that he was guilty and no matter how many times you post on here you won't change that fact despite your stating that I did. I'll let you have the last word as I know that you will try and convince yourself that you aren't wrong.
    It was implied. You initially stated that one of them must be lying. You then spent the rest of the thread attacking Kavanaugh by insinuating he wasn't truthful. Then you declared that Ford was more credible than him.

    We now have the FBI report which exonerates Kavanaugh, so by your logic it must have been Ford who was lying. This makes my theory of it being a hit job more credible, yet you say I am the one who only sees one side of things. Then you try to paint yourself as the guy with balanced views when you are clearly very biased. Between you and lardy my head is starting to hurt

  14. #264

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It was implied. You initially stated that one of them must be lying. You then spent the rest of the thread attacking Kavanaugh by insinuating he wasn't truthful. Then you declared that Ford was more credible than him.

    We now have the FBI report which exonerates Kavanaugh, so by your logic it must have been Ford who was lying. This makes my theory of it being a hit job more credible, yet you say I am the one who only sees one side of things. Then you try to paint yourself as the guy with balanced views when you are clearly very biased. Between you and lardy my head is starting to hurt
    You were wrong in stating that I said he was guilty. Full stop. You can keep waffling until the cows come home but you were wrong.

  15. #265

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You were wrong in stating that I said he was guilty. Full stop. You can keep waffling until the cows come home but you were wrong.
    Your logical argument has clearly implied it.

    Now if you want to go around accusing people of being one-sided, while showing incredible bias yourself, and then saying things like people lack self-awareness because they failed to answer one of your rhetorical questions, then you can't expect to get a free pass with this sort of behaviour. Worse still were your snidey comments when you were clearly in the wrong. I asked you twice what question you were referring to, and you just adopted a stroppy and arrogant attitude.

    Anyway, at least my version of events turned out to be a lot closer to the truth than yours have

  16. #266
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    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Farkin' hell mate

  17. #267
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I haven't seen anybody who has changed their opinion about either Kavanaugh or Ford, so they sure look like embedded opinions to me.

    This is what I actually said:

    It looks like a pretty accurate statement to me after seeing how things have played out, and I wasn't generalising at all, I was being to the point.

    Actually the only person who has changed their opinion on here is me. I've gone from thinking she was mistaken, to she is probably in on it. This is because her "beach friend" who was advising on her every move is a lifelong pal from high school who is an veteran ex-DOJ attorney and councel for the FBI with 24 years service. If you recall Ford claimed to to have no idea about lawyers or the legal process!

    Furthermore, you have accused me of lacking self-awareness, when I have been the only person who has submitted any evidence which has advanced the storyline forward. We now have questions about the two front doors, the marriage relationship therapist who ran a business from Ford's house, and now the DOJ/FBI best friend.
    To be fair your spot on, and your attention to the detail on this matter has won the day for me .

  18. #268

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    To be fair your spot on, and your attention to the detail on this matter has won the day for me .
    Based on your views in the first two pages of this thread it must have been really tough to convince you as well!

  19. #269

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    To be fair your spot on, and your attention to the detail on this matter has won the day for me .
    I still don't think Kavanaugh is the right person for the job, and he's not a likeable person from what I have seen of him, he's got a horrible elitist attitude. In saying that, it was a total hit job by the Democrats who only had one aim, and that was to frame Kavanaugh for something that he didn't do. They knew full well that he didn't do it, and they quickly pivoted onto the yearbook. They thought they could get Kavanaugh to incriminate himself over some badly scripted schoolboy humour. I'm glad he didn't play ball and refused to take the bait. It wasn't very elegant, but it was effective. Of course, people who couldn't see what what really going on might have viewed things differently, but the FBI exoneration tells you everything that you really need to know.

    It's still another month until the elections, I wonder what other trick they have up their sleeves?

  20. #270

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Based on your views in the first two pages of this thread it must have been really tough to convince you as well!
    We will all get there eventually, after we collectively realise that we keep on getting played like a fiddle.

  21. #271

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I still don't think Kavanaugh is the right person for the job, and he's not a likeable person from what I have seen of him, he's got a horrible elitist attitude. In saying that, it was a total hit job by the Democrats who only had one aim, and that was to frame Kavanaugh for something that he didn't do. They knew full well that he didn't do it, and they quickly pivoted onto the yearbook. They thought they could get Kavanaugh to incriminate himself over some badly scripted schoolboy humour. I'm glad he didn't play ball and refused to take the bait. It wasn't very elegant, but it was effective. Of course, people who couldn't see what what really going on might have viewed things differently, but the FBI exoneration tells you everything that you really need to know.

    It's still another month until the elections, I wonder what other trick they have up their sleeves?
    Where did you see that the FBI produced an exoneration?

  22. #272
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I still don't think Kavanaugh is the right person for the job, and he's not a likeable person from what I have seen of him, he's got a horrible elitist attitude. In saying that, it was a total hit job by the Democrats who only had one aim, and that was to frame Kavanaugh for something that he didn't do. They knew full well that he didn't do it, and they quickly pivoted onto the yearbook. They thought they could get Kavanaugh to incriminate himself over some badly scripted schoolboy humour. I'm glad he didn't play ball and refused to take the bait. It wasn't very elegant, but it was effective. Of course, people who couldn't see what what really going on might have viewed things differently, but the FBI exoneration tells you everything that you really need to know.

    It's still another month until the elections, I wonder what other trick they have up their sleeves?
    You aware of this :

    "" She took a polygraph on the same day her grandmother died (or the next day?)""

    Seems awfully calculated especially when you consider how long she and others sat on this.

  23. #273

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Your logical argument has clearly implied it.

    Now if you want to go around accusing people of being one-sided, while showing incredible bias yourself, and then saying things like people lack self-awareness because they failed to answer one of your rhetorical questions, then you can't expect to get a free pass with this sort of behaviour. Worse still were your snidey comments when you were clearly in the wrong. I asked you twice what question you were referring to, and you just adopted a stroppy and arrogant attitude.

    Anyway, at least my version of events turned out to be a lot closer to the truth than yours have
    Keep waffling.

  24. #274
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Perhaps in this case , the politics of personal destruction has failed.

  25. #275

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You aware of this :

    "" She took a polygraph on the same day her grandmother died (or the next day?)""

    Seems awfully calculated especially when you consider how long she and others sat on this.
    Typically this would never happen, you cannot take a polygraph test after a funeral, or any other emotional event. No wonder they don't want to realease the test data, video and audio recordings. It's a lot more interesting now that we know that the best friend who was advising Ford is ex-FBI/DOJ. She probably organised all of it, and got some old colleagues to run the the polygraph. The Senate Judiciary Committee really needs to get hold of that polygraph data, as well as the therapists notes. Let's see what else they are hiding.

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