People mention Zohore not chasing down "lost causes" these days - I've no problem with that because the clue is in the word "lost". Now, if you are talking about your main striker trying to put defenders under pressure as part of an overall high pressing approach, then that's a different matter, but at City, strikers, be they Zohore or Ward (Madine is too immobile to do it), have been pointlessly running from side to side chasing defenders who easily pass by them by finding midfielders who receive the ball with time and space to spare because the press by the striker is not being replicated in other areas of the pitch - if Zohore's "laziness" is down to problems motivating himself to use up most of his running power on something which barely ever performs a positive service for his team, then I can sympathise with him to a degree.

Having said that, this cannot be used to excuse Zohore's form this season - whereas you get the impression that Ward is trying his hardest for the team in all aspects of the game, Zohore is given an impression that he would rather be somewhere else. I rate Zohore and so have probably been guilty of finding excuses to justify poor performances from him in the past, but it is getting harder to do that because he is wasting a huge opportunity for himself. At his best, Zohore is a Premier League level performer and our prospects would look so much brighter if he was playing to somewhere near that level, but, certainly since he returned from his injury last season he has only turned in the occasional performance which repeated what we were seeing from him in the second half of 16/17.

it is hard for whoever plays the lone striker role for Cardiff because we don't tend to be quick to get support up to him when he receives the ball,(usually from a long clearance), but Zohore was coping with that at one time, now, for whatever reason his mobility is less than it was and he is either unable or unwilling to display the pace which enabled him to be a very effective runner in the channels (that's how I think we should use him - forget about his size and utilise his real assets).