Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Still needs to be painted though! He was trying to paint a picture that the site he copies and pastes most often was some kind of oracle yet you only need to go to most of his posts using their material to see that they don't stand the test of time. Still he slavishly regurgitates them pretending that he is some kind of twitter see-saw balancing surfer.

In the last 24 hours his mates first got excited how someone could say there was a missing package sent to Joe Biden when the lefties must have known it was missing. Then when someone sane pointed out that it was sent to an address Biden no longer lived at and it was back in the postal system they posted pictures of cats suggesting that the FBI's finest were on the trail. Presumably to try and cover up their initial idiocy.

Elsewhere Trump said that the full resources of the USA would leave no stone unturned, which must have confused the narrative and its parrot a little.
You can try all you like, but you're still not going to rewrite history