Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
You still have your objectivity though right?
I think I'm objective by saying that anyone stating they wish he would be assassinated, along with anyone who doesn't disagree with that is a loony leftie.
The other loony leftie materialised shortly after he took office, with the likes of Ashley Judd seriously going off the rails at Trump for being a misogynist, because of the tampon tax. He'd been in office a few days. I don't think the tampon tax would have been high on his list of priorities. Of course, Judd conveniently forgot the fact that Obama did absolutely nothing about it. She had a huge amount of support for her hate filled speech from left wing celebrities to other left wing sheep.
We had people wanting to ban him from coming to this country, yet barely bat an eyelid at visits from some of the most dictatorial leaderd from around the world, along with extremist Muslim clerics invited here to 'preach' their hatred to the 'congregation' in Mosques around the country.
Where were the marches against these people?