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Thread: America again.

  1. #26

    Re: America again.

    Was apparently parroting conspiracy shite that trump and farage have been saying in recent weeks. But obviously he wasn’t empowered or radicalised by trump, definitely not!

  2. #27

    Re: America again.

    President Trump

  3. #28

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Are you being sarcastic?
    It's hardly likely to be a right wing nutter attacking a Synagogue!!
    Or do you just see all extremists as being right wing?
    "For months, Robert D. Bowers had been spewing his anger in post after post on the web, calling immigrants “invaders,” distributing racist memes and asserting that Jews were the “enemy of white people.”"

    I'm willing to bet he's right wing

  4. #29

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Are you being sarcastic?
    It's hardly likely to be a right wing nutter attacking a Synagogue!!
    Or do you just see all extremists as being right wing?
    Do you know what right wing means? Or do you prefer the trem "far right"?

  5. #30

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Do you know what right wing means? Or do you prefer the trem "far right"?
    It’s hardly likely to be far right killing Jews!

    What does he think happened in WW2?

  6. #31

    Re: America again.

    The President suggests that the synagogue should have had armed guards.
    Not sure what a part time guard could have done compared to three Police Officers who got shot.
    Is it me or is he a total dickhead?

  7. #32

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The President suggests that the synagogue should have had armed guards.
    Not sure what a part time guard could have done compared to three Police Officers who got shot.
    Is it me or is he a total dickhead?
    Who's the real dick heads him or the idiots who put him in power

  8. #33

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The President suggests that the synagogue should have had armed guards.
    Not sure what a part time guard could have done compared to three Police Officers who got shot.
    Is it me or is he a total dickhead?
    The "good guy with a gun" response is a regular part of the managed inertia to these events. Trump's core support is almost universally anti-gun control and he is heavily endorsed by the National Rifle Association. Just like the other school, university, place of worship and social event massacres by people usually carrying semi-automatic weapons capable of multiple killing in a short space of time the answer is for more arms in these environments. They will let the gun control noise slowly die with the news cycle until the next multiple killing that will inevitably come.

    There was an assault rifle ban in the US from 1994 to 2004 during which there was a significant reduction in the numbers of fatalities from multiple shootings. It had a sunset clause after 10 years and has never been politically reintroduced since then. Trump called the latest multiple murderer a "wacko" (another common excuse is the perpetrator is mentally unstable particularly when they are a white male), which may or may not be true. What is clear is that this wacko was able to easily access and keep weapons capable of multiple murder under the current laws of the land that Trump and the Republican Party are clearly protecting.

  9. #34

    Re: America again.

    Multiple shootings have occurred in the States for decades. The worst period was between 2009 - 2014.
    This isn't a Trump thing, just as it wasn't an Obama thing.
    The rhetoric of hate began with Clinton and Obama supporters and every other loony leftie, the likes of Johnny Depp saying at the Glastonbury Festival of all places, that he wishes he could assassinate Trump. The hate fuelled Madonna wishing that he would be assassinated the day after he was voted in.
    So much more hate filled rhetoric towards Trump than from him.
    I can't stand Trump, but he'll be pilloried no matter what he says or does. He can't win because so many people have lost their objectivity.

  10. #35

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Multiple shootings have occurred in the States for decades. The worst period was between 2009 - 2014.
    This isn't a Trump thing, just as it wasn't an Obama thing.
    The rhetoric of hate began with Clinton and Obama supporters and every other loony leftie, the likes of Johnny Depp saying at the Glastonbury Festival of all places, that he wishes he could assassinate Trump. The hate fuelled Madonna wishing that he would be assassinated the day after he was voted in.
    So much more hate filled rhetoric towards Trump than from him.
    I can't stand Trump, but he'll be pilloried no matter what he says or does. He can't win because so many people have lost their objectivity.
    i have been over to the states a few times since hes been in power and its either people support him strongly or despise him with the same strength. one thing a lot of people have said including women is that they preferred him over hilary and the amount of women who despised clinton shocked me. the women seemed to think she kept overlooking his infidelity for her own interests down the line. its a strange atmosphere over there now and if it were eighty years ago the democrats an republicans would probably be fighting a civil war now.

  11. #36

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Multiple shootings have occurred in the States for decades. The worst period was between 2009 - 2014.
    This isn't a Trump thing, just as it wasn't an Obama thing.
    The rhetoric of hate began with Clinton and Obama supporters and every other loony leftie, the likes of Johnny Depp saying at the Glastonbury Festival of all places, that he wishes he could assassinate Trump. The hate fuelled Madonna wishing that he would be assassinated the day after he was voted in.
    So much more hate filled rhetoric towards Trump than from him.
    I can't stand Trump, but he'll be pilloried no matter what he says or does. He can't win because so many people have lost their objectivity.
    Are you being sarcastic?

  12. #37

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by steve davies View Post
    i have been over to the states a few times since hes been in power and its either people support him strongly or despise him with the same strength. one thing a lot of people have said including women is that they preferred him over hilary and the amount of women who despised clinton shocked me. the women seemed to think she kept overlooking his infidelity for her own interests down the line. its a strange atmosphere over there now and if it were eighty years ago the democrats an republicans would probably be fighting a civil war now.
    Have to agree, having spent the last month in the States.
    There is little middle ground regarding Trump. Very few see him for what he's actually achieving, balanced against any actual negatives.
    Most can either see him do no wrong or do no right.

  13. #38

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Are you being sarcastic?
    Have you got anything constructive to say?

  14. #39

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Multiple shootings have occurred in the States for decades. The worst period was between 2009 - 2014.
    This isn't a Trump thing, just as it wasn't an Obama thing.
    The rhetoric of hate began with Clinton and Obama supporters and every other loony leftie, the likes of Johnny Depp saying at the Glastonbury Festival of all places, that he wishes he could assassinate Trump. The hate fuelled Madonna wishing that he would be assassinated the day after he was voted in.
    So much more hate filled rhetoric towards Trump than from him.
    I can't stand Trump, but he'll be pilloried no matter what he says or does. He can't win because so many people have lost their objectivity.
    Can't disagree with much of what you say there, except the bit I've put in bold. Donald trump rightly deserves to be pilloried for the damage he is doing to the perception of democracy. The ramifications are already being felt across the world.

    I say the perception of Democracy because we all know it's an illusion at its core, but so long as everyone pretends there are a set of values that those in charge can be held accountable to then it continues to work. Take that illusion away and anarchy results. I'm sure there are a number of people who think that'll be fine but really it isn't...

  15. #40

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Have you got anything constructive to say?
    So let me get this right, when you ask a poster if they are being sarcastic it is wry observation and when someone returns the complement it lacks positivity.

    You seem to think that mass murder has been going on in the US for a considerable amount of time, which is true. Yet the rhetoric of hate started with Clinton and Obama and a couple of lovies, which is obviously nonsense considering the US social and racial history.

    I don't know on what basis you conclude 2009-14 was the worst period for multiple murders, (number of incidents and number of deaths would give different results) but as I said elsewhere the collective political will to deal with semi-automatic weapons was not there during that period and persists to this day.

    Your original statement that an attack on the Jewish community could not be the work of someone from the right was laughable. Setting aside 20th century history for a moment you only need to recall the chants of white supremacists at the march in Charlottesville to see that a rich seam of anti-semitism runs through that mindset.

  16. #41

    Re: America again.

    I qualified why I thought the poster I was replying to, was being sarcastic. You just asked as question surrounding the whole of my post.
    Clearly other people can see a number of the points I made, even though I respect their opinion to disagree.
    You agree that mass murder has been going on for decades in the States. The worst time in the number of shootings and number of deaths were in the years 2009 to 2014. Do some research and you'll find that to be right.
    What I was referring to was that the rhetoric of hate towards Trump was started by Clinton and Obama supporters. Trump supporters didn't start the hate filled rhetoric.
    I didn't say that it couldn't be a right wing nutter who attacked the Jews in the Synagogue. We all know the history of persecution of the Jews from the Nazis, but in recent years most attacks on Jews and Synagogues have NOT come from the right wing.

  17. #42

    Re: America again.

    People using this tragedy as another platform for their hate against Trump. This is going to continue to happen in the US as it's in their culture, the people have to do something about the gun laws because of regardless who has the top job they don't have enough power to stop it.

  18. #43

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by mazadona10 View Post
    People using this tragedy as another platform for their hate against Trump. This is going to continue to happen in the US as it's in their culture, the people have to do something about the gun laws because of regardless who has the top job they don't have enough power to stop it.
    Although there is a need to show respect and empathy, the causes of gun violence does have an element of politics behind it so I can't see why you have to avoid politics when discussing tragedy? If you never talk about it then nothing changes and it continues. I can't remember what the changes were but can remember reading that the US government was happy to bring in potentially unpopular changes in immediate aftermath of New Orleans so don't feel that it's a united front in politics pausing to respect victims.

    And Trump? Trump has gained influence by being seeing as being "honest" and not restricted by PC culture. He was initially happy to appear to be willing to reform gun laws in the US but this was changed by the NRA (which although tiny compared to the influence they have is only an extreme view of what many hold....even most democrats want access to guns on some level) who are most strongly supported by his core of support. Trump perhaps more than any other Republican will be seen as linked to the NRA because of a) his and their anti-pc image including language that is happy to inflame the situation b) politics had become so extreme with left and right ever more cautious to work with each other and c) there seems to be a drip effect ready to burst now when it comes to gun violence that eventually enough will be enough.

    I can't help but feel that a tragedy needs to happen in every state before there is real change though.

  19. #44

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Have to agree, having spent the last month in the States.
    There is little middle ground regarding Trump. Very few see him for what he's actually achieving, balanced against any actual negatives.
    Most can either see him do no wrong or do no right.
    I spent Aug in the US, from chatting to people in the pool or in a queue for a ride, it seems as you said, most Love or Hate him, nothing between , Trump supporters were always keen to tell you how much change he will make, Trump haters just wanted a Oversea's opinion on him and to point out that they were embarrassed by him

    What does make me laugh is the amount of people in the UK who just have to hate him as it is the popular thing to do, i made a tongue in cheek post " It'll all be Trumps Fault, you can bet your last penny on that " and that is the way it is, Trump to blame for everything

  20. #45

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Multiple shootings have occurred in the States for decades. The worst period was between 2009 - 2014.
    This isn't a Trump thing, just as it wasn't an Obama thing.
    The rhetoric of hate began with Clinton and Obama supporters and every other loony leftie, the likes of Johnny Depp saying at the Glastonbury Festival of all places, that he wishes he could assassinate Trump. The hate fuelled Madonna wishing that he would be assassinated the day after he was voted in.
    So much more hate filled rhetoric towards Trump than from him.
    I can't stand Trump, but he'll be pilloried no matter what he says or does. He can't win because so many people have lost their objectivity.
    You still have your objectivity though right?

  21. #46

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    I qualified why I thought the poster I was replying to, was being sarcastic. You just asked as question surrounding the whole of my post.
    Clearly other people can see a number of the points I made, even though I respect their opinion to disagree.
    You agree that mass murder has been going on for decades in the States. The worst time in the number of shootings and number of deaths were in the years 2009 to 2014. Do some research and you'll find that to be right.
    What I was referring to was that the rhetoric of hate towards Trump was started by Clinton and Obama supporters. Trump supporters didn't start the hate filled rhetoric.
    I didn't say that it couldn't be a right wing nutter who attacked the Jews in the Synagogue. We all know the history of persecution of the Jews from the Nazis, but in recent years most attacks on Jews and Synagogues have NOT come from the right wing.
    There were 30 mas shootings from 2009-2014 resulting 209 deaths, between 2015-2017 there were 40 mass shootings resulting in 327 deaths

  22. #47

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    I spent Aug in the US, from chatting to people in the pool or in a queue for a ride, it seems as you said, most Love or Hate him, nothing between , Trump supporters were always keen to tell you how much change he will make, Trump haters just wanted a Oversea's opinion on him and to point out that they were embarrassed by him

    What does make me laugh is the amount of people in the UK who just have to hate him as it is the popular thing to do, i made a tongue in cheek post " It'll all be Trumps Fault, you can bet your last penny on that " and that is the way it is, Trump to blame for everything
    Whatever your own personal political views there is nothing redeeming about the way Trump is defiling the Office of POTUS. He could have done what he is doing with decorum and taken far more people with him, but he appears emotionally and intellectually incapable of doing anything other than wanting to impress people with how important and powerful he is. There used to be an American approach of 'talk quietly but carry a big stick'. That appears to have gone.

    The real irony is that his approach is only going to weaken the US by making the rest of the world realise it can no longer rely on them for a balanced approach to world diplomacy. This isn't going to end well for anyone.

  23. #48

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You still have your objectivity though right?
    I think I'm objective by saying that anyone stating they wish he would be assassinated, along with anyone who doesn't disagree with that is a loony leftie.
    The other loony leftie materialised shortly after he took office, with the likes of Ashley Judd seriously going off the rails at Trump for being a misogynist, because of the tampon tax. He'd been in office a few days. I don't think the tampon tax would have been high on his list of priorities. Of course, Judd conveniently forgot the fact that Obama did absolutely nothing about it. She had a huge amount of support for her hate filled speech from left wing celebrities to other left wing sheep.
    We had people wanting to ban him from coming to this country, yet barely bat an eyelid at visits from some of the most dictatorial leaderd from around the world, along with extremist Muslim clerics invited here to 'preach' their hatred to the 'congregation' in Mosques around the country.
    Where were the marches against these people?

  24. #49

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by mazadona10 View Post
    People using this tragedy as another platform for their hate against Trump. This is going to continue to happen in the US as it's in their culture, the people have to do something about the gun laws because of regardless who has the top job they don't have enough power to stop it.
    Why I called Trump a dickhead was because yet again he comes out with something ridiculously crass, in this instance taking about armed security guards at a Temple.

    I mean.....really????

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: America again.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Are you being sarcastic?
    It's hardly likely to be a right wing nutter attacking a Synagogue!!
    Or do you just see all extremists as being right wing?
    I presume what Blue Matt is saying is :
    it's the America way , its not just Trump as its happened many times before him , its not about the politics ,or what it says ,it's about "killing in the name ", no matter the name they just want to kill.

    It has 325 million people

    They all potentially can purchase a gun .

    As a percentage of the 325 million you have a bigger percentage of lunatics .

    It's not left ,right or centre or religousosirion , its just simply bloody lunatics.

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