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Thread: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

  1. #1

    Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    The economic history of mankind has been forged by a multitude of entities that wield power and influence, whether they have been empires, tribes, trading companies, wealthy individuals, religious groups, aristocracy, despots, politically-driven dogmatists etc.

    Are we 'little people' therefore simply fanciful in expecting fairness and unadulterated democracy (and all that goes with it when the man on the street votes on matters beyond his ken) and deriding the latest versions of such entities, whether your conspiracy theory is directed at globalism, Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the establishment, multi-national companies, the bankers or any other powerful group that wishes to maintain its position?

    I sometimes think of someone like a medieval blacksmith hammering away in his forge and paying tithes to whatever army chooses to sweep across his tranche of the country at any point in time. Same old, same old.

  2. #2

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Well, first you have to change your mindset. If you call reality a conspiracy theory then there is no hope for you (or us), because you are just repeating what you have been taught to think. Humans are more sheeplike than sheep.

  3. #3

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Well, first you have to change your mindset. If you call reality a conspiracy theory then there is no hope for you (or us), because you are just repeating what you have been taught to think. Humans are more sheeplike than sheep.
    More patronising comments from the person who is so arrogant that he thinks that he is the only person on here who is capable of original thought. Very tiresome and repetitive.

  4. #4

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    More patronising comments from the person who is so arrogant that he thinks that he is the only person on here who is capable of original thought. Very tiresome and repetitive.
    You just said anything that is not part of the mainstream narrative is a conspiracy theory. How are you planning on escaping from your forge? You are already mentally chained to it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    The economic history of mankind has been forged by a multitude of entities that wield power and influence, whether they have been empires, tribes, trading companies, wealthy individuals, religious groups, aristocracy, despots, politically-driven dogmatists etc.

    Are we 'little people' therefore simply fanciful in expecting fairness and unadulterated democracy (and all that goes with it when the man on the street votes on matters beyond his ken) and deriding the latest versions of such entities, whether your conspiracy theory is directed at globalism, Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the establishment, multi-national companies, the bankers or any other powerful group that wishes to maintain its position?

    I sometimes think of someone like a medieval blacksmith hammering away in his forge and paying tithes to whatever army chooses to sweep across his tranche of the country at any point in time. Same old, same old.
    The blacksmith is a very good analogy of how humans think and operate .I have not come across many whose utopia is to look after themselves first , and personal utopia is just that ,me and mine.

  6. #6

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    More patronising comments from the person who is so arrogant that he thinks that he is the only person on here who is capable of original thought. Very tiresome and repetitive.
    The irony of course being that its never original, its just whatever right wing conspiracy he's been duped into spouting this week

  7. #7

    Re: Are we little people wasting our time expecting Utopia?

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    The irony of course being that its never original, its just whatever right wing conspiracy he's been duped into spouting this week
    You are clearly not paying attention.

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