Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Picture the scene as Ivanka Trump wrestles with her conscience as she sends out government e-mails on her personal account a year or so after her father was saying "lock her up" when his rival for the Presidency was using a private e-mail server when she was Secretary of State. In the end, she decides that it isn't the same as the Hilary Clinton case because of the following questions "Was it a private email server? What was the the content emails? Was she trying to hide anything? What was her intent? Did she permanently deletes any of the emails?". Ivanka is satisfied that she has adhered strictly to the rules, she does not merit being locked up like Hilary does and all is well with the world again.

Trouble is, the White House is now saying that the truth is that she simply didn't know the rules for such situations. I've no reason to disbelieve this, but would say that, given the Hilary Clinton precedent, you would have thought a savvy "adviser" to the President would have checked to confirm that she was doing nothing wrong by behaving as she did - the fact that she, apparently, didn't says a lot about both her judgement and her father's in appointing her in the first place.
I think a special counsel is required to investigate Hillary and Ivanka. What say you on this matter? Are we in agreement?