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Thread: Racist attack in school

  1. #1

    Racist attack in school


    Not sure this belongs here or on the politics board. Feel free to move appropriately.

    Not pleasant to watch, and apparently the kid doing the attack has received threats as well which isn't good either.

    What struck me though is this is obviously getting some hits in the states now, and there were a number of people replying to the thread saying the kid with the cast on his arm should sue the school. Presumably that is what would happen in America - could the school be sued here and should they be held responsible for one of their pupils doing something as awful as this?

  2. #2

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

    Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

    not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?

  3. #3

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

    Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

    not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?
    Yeah the go fund me is a strange one, I guess people feel sorry for the kid and want to try to do something. At the least it'll tell him that not everyone in the country is a shit like this kid.

    I read elsewhere that the bullys mother has previously been arrested for racially abusive language (not sure if accurate).

  4. #4

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

    Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

    not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?
    Bullying as bad as this? My school was a complete shit hole but I never saw anything as targeted as this.

    I also don’t remember the sister of a victim trying to kill themselves because it got so bad.

    Plus if you look at that kids Facebook it’s all Britain first etc. So the reason he’s target a Syrian refugee is obvious. The problem is the bully will be the one getting the comeuppance and not the media in this country that’s done a good job of indoctrinating him.

    I found that video so difficult to watch, the worst thing is the kid looks so resigned and used to the whole thing.

  5. #5

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

    Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

    not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?
    I would imagine the gofundme is so people can feel they're doing something positive for a kid having a shit time. I found some info about it, but more to come soon, it seems.



  6. #6

    Re: Racist attack in school

    From the age of about 11 - 14, I took some shit from a little bastard in school. It was the typical shit like saying he was going to 'get me' after school etc. It was almost every day and the only time I could relax was when he and his cronies were mitching/bunking off (however you call it).

    Anyway, on one particular day, I was in school and had some bad family news the previous night and was upset and worried. At dinnertime, this kid starts with his nonsense, so I butted him. It was my first and last act of violence.

    The result was that I was suspended from school and the other kid said that I had bullied him for years.

    I'm 30 now and a year or so ago, I was in town and saw him outside the job centre with his hood up and shouting all sorts to another bloke. He looked a right state.

    Now, I'm very grateful for what I've got in my life. I'd say I'm an 'andsome looking bloke, I've got a good looking bird, a decent job, good friends and a decent house.

    ....also, I now do a bit of boxing so I wouldn't recommend him trying it on again.

    It's hard going for the kids because they haven't found any strategy for dealing with bellends like that. We do see it in adult life all the time whereby an 'ard looking bastard has had a few and goes looking for the skinny bloke minding his own business. More often or not though it gets diffused and no harm is done. Kids tend to escalate and egg-on the bullies.

  7. #7

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Huddersfield's Jonas Lossl can be added to any list of footballers who are decent human beings list.


  8. #8

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    Not sure this belongs here or on the politics board. Feel free to move appropriately.

    Not pleasant to watch, and apparently the kid doing the attack has received threats as well which isn't good either.

    What struck me though is this is obviously getting some hits in the states now, and there were a number of people replying to the thread saying the kid with the cast on his arm should sue the school. Presumably that is what would happen in America - could the school be sued here and should they be held responsible for one of their pupils doing something as awful as this?
    Typical bully, picking on someone smaller and slighter than himself. He needs a really good hammering, from older, bigger person. A basebat maybe? That will stop him. Problem solved

  9. #9

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Bullies tend to be 5'7 to 5'10 really,

    Taller lads just concentrate on sport.

  10. #10

    Re: Racist attack in school

    I’d like to see that fecker properly water boarded by some sas soldier

  11. #11

    Re: Racist attack in school

    I see the bully is to be charged by the police. We all know what that means in this day and age i.e. feck all. He'll have his wrists slapped by the police and probably have to write the boy a letter saying sorry as part of his "restorative" justice.

    As jamieccfc alludes to above, he needs to be properly water boarded by a team of sas soldiers. That's the only kind of language he will really understand

  12. #12

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

    Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

    not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?
    I was bullied at my school which was a local comp. I was small so a target. In the end I jumped on the bully and got him in a neck hold. He didn’t bully me again.
    So you are right. Bullying has never gone away but schools are usually quick off the mark in dealing with it. Not so it appears this time. Add in the racist element and it is deeply unpleasant especially given the trauma this family suffered leaving a war torn country.
    I hope they throw the book at the bully boy

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Racist attack in school

    I Went to Llanrumney High the playground was a cruel arena at times , as it was in Pen y Bryn junior school

  14. #14

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Can’t abide bullying in any shape or form.
    That poor laddie has suffered in his own country, then gets treated like that here.
    I’ve stuck up, and intervened for victims getting bullied in the past, both as a kid and as an adult.
    That bigger kid in the video doing the bullying needs his arse severely kicked to teach him a lesson. It’s the only way they know.

  15. #15

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Lady Mary had teacher who was an out & out bully, I s’pose most schools had their sadists, but this particular one was a first class thug. Lady Mary pupils of a certain age won’t need him to be named, c*nt of a man!!!!

  16. #16

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Lady Mary had teacher who was an out & out bully, I s’pose most schools had their sadists, but this particular one was a first class thug. Lady Mary pupils of a certain age won’t need him to be named, c*nt of a man!!!!
    I know who you're talking about, he left in my second year at high school-Thankfully-apparently he's still knocking about, and doing some very good work with people who are on very hard times, maybe the penny dropped.

  17. #17

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
    I see the bully is to be charged by the police. We all know what that means in this day and age i.e. feck all. He'll have his wrists slapped by the courts and probably have to write the boy a letter saying sorry as part of his "restorative" justice.

    As jamieccfc alludes to above, he needs to be properly water boarded by a team of sas soldiers. That's the only kind of language he will really understand
    Edited for you.

  18. #18

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Stephen Yaxley Lennon poison dwarf spent the night shit stirring on Twitter that the victim had been bullying girls which was quickly denied.

    I don’t wish harm on many people but misfortune on that bastard can’t come quickly enough.

  19. #19

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Stephen Yaxley Lennon poison dwarf spent the night shit stirring on Twitter that the victim had been bullying girls which was quickly denied.

    I don’t wish harm on many people but misfortune on that bastard can’t come quickly enough.
    Isn't he permanently banned from Twitter?

  20. #20

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Isn't he permanently banned from Twitter?

    I did see it on twitter but it was on another users page and it was from one of his websites.

    My mistake should have phrased that better as in ‘video shared on twitter’

  21. #21

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Bullying happens, but this level of bullying is despicable. But one question .. There are probably 100's of similar, equally nasty incidents on video, so why is this one getting the media attention ??

  22. #22

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Bullying happens, but this level of bullying is despicable. But one question .. There are probably 100's of similar, equally nasty incidents on video, so why is this one getting the media attention ??
    It has a good story behind it.

  23. #23

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Bullying happens, but this level of bullying is despicable. But one question .. There are probably 100's of similar, equally nasty incidents on video, so why is this one getting the media attention ??
    Perhaps because it has happened in this school numerous times, they showed other similar videos on the news, and the problem hasn't been dealt with.
    Certain parts of the country seem so far removed from reality and perhaps this is one of the schools that is being targeted as a lesson to others

    Even though we all know that this kind of bullying has happened, still happens will continue to happen, it is horrible to watch.

    It's tough for any kid growing up, even more so these days it seems with modern technology sharing horrors that go on in the world.

    Let's hope this bully gets what he deserves and that the police, social services and courts do their jobs properly... and that that gets shared round the world too!

  24. #24

    Re: Racist attack in school

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I did see it on twitter but it was on another users page and it was from one of his websites.

    My mistake should have phrased that better as in ‘video shared on twitter’
    I see. And yes, he's a bastard.

  25. #25

    Re: Racist attack in school

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