Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
Not nice to watch, but bullying has been going on since school started, in my school the fat kids got bullied, the guys with glass's got called 4 eyes, The poor weaker kids were bullied by the poor rougher kids, we have all seen it in school, society and time might have moved on, but maybe school bullying will never end

Bullies are Bullies and will got through life bullying victims till they meet someone who can stand up for themselves and maybe then they stop, maybe they will not

not sure what the fund me page will achieve, though it will hit 50 K inside 1 day of being launched, maybe people do care ? ? ?
I was bullied at my school which was a local comp. I was small so a target. In the end I jumped on the bully and got him in a neck hold. He didn’t bully me again.
So you are right. Bullying has never gone away but schools are usually quick off the mark in dealing with it. Not so it appears this time. Add in the racist element and it is deeply unpleasant especially given the trauma this family suffered leaving a war torn country.
I hope they throw the book at the bully boy