Saw him at the o2 a few years ago. Place was half-empty, which is hardly a surprise given the size of it. And comedy really does die across so many empty seats. There were a lot of Izzard fans there who seemed to have a good time. He made a few references to his famous death star canteen thing and that sent them wild. Not for me though - more the lack of atmosphere than the material really. The real point of note was that I learned that the o2 is willing and able to serve wine by the pint. I went to the bar at the interval and ordered a glass of wine. When asked how large, I thought of the additional hour I had to spend watching comedy on a stage about 100 meters away and replied, sarcastically, "a pint", assuming that the barman would tell me he couldn't do that. Not the case - without pausing he poured white wine right to the brim of a plastic pint glass, and asked me for a tenner.