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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #3726
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Says the No.1 Trump Russia Collusion conspiracy theorist
    Do you honest a God really think there are people left who actually believe the Russian thump story?

    I get dazed and confused by it all but Russian collusion seriously? unless maybe, Hilderbeast has a bit of form with them

  2. #3727
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Are you here to make Gluey look sane?
    People are not insane just because they don't think like you, just saying.

  3. #3728
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    People are not insane just because they don't think like you, just saying.
    I blame it on my near acquaintance with my maker 8 year ago, I take opinion on events week by week, I don't nail myself to a mast and dig in forever, when I'm wrong as is often I just dust myself down and go again.

  4. #3729
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I blame it on my near acquaintance with my maker 8 year ago, I take opinion on events week by week, I don't nail myself to a mast and dig in forever, when I'm wrong as is often I just dust myself down and go again.
    Don't blame it on anything, you can think what you like, you don't need Lardy's permission

  5. #3730

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I blame it on my near acquaintance with my maker 8 year ago, I take opinion on events week by week, I don't nail myself to a mast and dig in forever, when I'm wrong as is often I just dust myself down and go again.
    The secret is never to be wrong, it works for me

  6. #3731

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Sorry for offending you, mrs R. From now on I'll believe everything I read.

    Yes, I think the death of the frail 94 year old president with a long term illness was intended as a distraction to next weeks hearings.

  7. #3732

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    There are still those who believe that he's a white hat, read a very good article to back this view earlier, i still think he's DS, the latest Cohen stuff is going nowhere IMO, 3 whistle-blowers now for the CF, is Daddy Bush a distraction to next weeks hearings ?, Pence being pictured with a Broward county sheriff wearing a Q badge, then deleting his tweet maximising publicity, the hatchet job on trump jnr exposed in hours with the news outlet being forced to double back, the 1st Huber leak which appears to have pissed off the internet conspiracy group know as Q with an order of no more leaking , smoke and mirrors, diss information is necessary an all that FISA brings the house down apparently it's all shit i know but its better than reading about bloody Brexit 24/7 BTW Daddy Bush will still be voting Democrat in 2020
    When you say latest Cohen stuff going nowhere what does that mean?

    I mean after all he’s just been convicted of a criminal offence which would suggest that in regards to himself he’s found himself in a bit of bother and not exactly ‘going nowhere’

  8. #3733

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    People are not insane just because they don't think like you, just saying.
    Perhaps insane is too harsh a judgment, but a little time ago he said he saw the battle he is always going on about as being between good and evil. To believe that when we are talking about subjects as open to forms of corruption from all sorts of people on different sides of the political spectrum as business and politics strikes me as incredibly naive - Gluey seems to think one side is entirely good and the other entirely bad and his judgment on the same piece of information/news will depend on which side of the divide it comes from.

  9. #3734

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Perhaps insane is too harsh a judgment, but a little time ago he said he saw the battle he is always going on about as being between good and evil. To believe that when we are talking about subjects as open to forms of corruption from all sorts of people on different sides of the political spectrum as business and politics strikes me as incredibly naive - Gluey seems to think one side is entirely good and the other entirely bad and his judgment on the same piece of information/news will depend on which side of the divide it comes from.
    Disagreeing over political ideas is one thing, while spying on political opponents to stop them being elected is another. Surely you can differentiate?

  10. #3735

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Everyone in the room is definitely laughing with Donald as he wanders off stage (chased by an aide).

  11. #3736

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Why are Trump and his team so reluctant to tell the truth about their dealings with Russia?

    Trump throughout his campaign lied that he has no business interests in Russia, but confirmed last week that they had been planning writing his name on a building in Moscow.

    Trump Jr met with Russians in Trump Tower and lied that it was about adopting Russian children but then released emails contradicting this.

    Cohen admits he lied to Congress about that Moscow building to conceal it during the election campaign.

    Flynn lied to the FBI about talking to the Russian ambassador, and later pleaded guilty to this.

    Flynn's deputy, McFarland, told the FBI she'd never spoken with Flynn about the above, later changing her story to say she had.

    Jared forgot to reveal his meetings with Russians on his security clearance forms, and also said he had no idea what the Trump Tower meeting was about as he didn't read his email to the end.

    Manafort lied about pretty much everything to the point where he is now a useless witness and his plea bargain was ripped up.

    Guiliani lied about the Trump Tower meeting by saying they didn't even know the people they were meeting were Russians.

    Sessions lied under oath three times that he had no contact with the Russians in the campaign, it later emerging that he'd met the ambassador three times.

    Papadopoulous lied to the FBI about how hard he tried to get Hillary information from the Russians during the campaign, later pleading guilty to this.

    Erik Prince said under oath that he met with a Russian businessman by chance - this meeting was actually an attempt to create a backchannel for Trump to talk with Russia.

    Roger Stone lied about knowing exactly what wikileaks was about to unleash about the Democrats, claiming it was all posture and hype (must have got lucky a lot).

    Jerome Corsi, similarly, claimed he found out about wikileaks releases on his own, rather than being told by Stone. Despite that, he admits thinking up a cover story with Stone to explain how he knew.

    Quite a list, and it's by no means the whole story. Why would entirely innocent people need to lie so much?

  12. #3737

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Everyone in the room is definitely laughing with Donald as he wanders off stage (chased by an aide).

    Grandad! Grandad! Can someone go and get Grandad.....

  13. #3738
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    When you say latest Cohen stuff going nowhere what does that mean?

    I mean after all he’s just been convicted of a criminal offence which would suggest that in regards to himself he’s found himself in a bit of bother and not exactly ‘going nowhere’
    The clue is the 125 page thread on a certain individual, and not about Cohen, Perhaps I got it wrong again but the investigation by Mueller was to establish that the Russians colluded with the Thump campaign to influence the election. 30 odd million dollars later Mueller has managed to indict 30 odd Russians who will never testify, Individuals in the Thump Campaign of various felonies of which I understand were committed before the campaign, and a ham sandwich, but as of today there is no smoking gun, 30 odd million dollars has been so well spent, that the about query of the NSA database gave them the wrong Cohen who went to Prague and the complicit MSM were so quick to get it in print they couldn't walk it back, I tend to agree with OM, they are all swamp creatures, all crooks and all devoid of any humanity, it's all about one set of wrong uns trying to get another set of wrong uns. I don't think that this will end well for the Democratic party and I don't think that Trump will see out the 4 years either, the election was a toss up between two terrible individuals, we could end up soon with the same scenario, May V Corbyn, for me both of them unelectable but one of them has to be, I don't see a rising star in the Labour party and the last few months would have been the ideal opportunity for someone in the party to put their potential stamp on the party and take it forward. Corbyn has a fanatical base, but his base isn't going to be big enough to carry the election IMO, we could be heading for a Boris led Tory government, I find that quite disturbing. To repeat, IMO the Cohen stuff is going nowhere in the context of this thread.

  14. #3739

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The clue is the 125 page thread on a certain individual, and not about Cohen, Perhaps I got it wrong again but the investigation by Mueller was to establish that the Russians colluded with the Thump campaign to influence the election. 30 odd million dollars later Mueller has managed to indict 30 odd Russians who will never testify, Individuals in the Thump Campaign of various felonies of which I understand were committed before the campaign, and a ham sandwich, but as of today there is no smoking gun, 30 odd million dollars has been so well spent, that the about query of the NSA database gave them the wrong Cohen who went to Prague and the complicit MSM were so quick to get it in print they couldn't walk it back, I tend to agree with OM, they are all swamp creatures, all crooks and all devoid of any humanity, it's all about one set of wrong uns trying to get another set of wrong uns. I don't think that this will end well for the Democratic party and I don't think that Trump will see out the 4 years either, the election was a toss up between two terrible individuals, we could end up soon with the same scenario, May V Corbyn, for me both of them unelectable but one of them has to be, I don't see a rising star in the Labour party and the last few months would have been the ideal opportunity for someone in the party to put their potential stamp on the party and take it forward. Corbyn has a fanatical base, but his base isn't going to be big enough to carry the election IMO, we could be heading for a Boris led Tory government, I find that quite disturbing. To repeat, IMO the Cohen stuff is going nowhere in the context of this thread.
    They have a lot to say, but they can't even explain what the collusion was. I'd be happy to accept it happened if somebody could only tell me who did what.

  15. #3740

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The clue is the 125 page thread on a certain individual, and not about Cohen, Perhaps I got it wrong again but the investigation by Mueller was to establish that the Russians colluded with the Thump campaign to influence the election. 30 odd million dollars later Mueller has managed to indict 30 odd Russians who will never testify, Individuals in the Thump Campaign of various felonies of which I understand were committed before the campaign, and a ham sandwich, but as of today there is no smoking gun, 30 odd million dollars has been so well spent, that the about query of the NSA database gave them the wrong Cohen who went to Prague and the complicit MSM were so quick to get it in print they couldn't walk it back, I tend to agree with OM, they are all swamp creatures, all crooks and all devoid of any humanity, it's all about one set of wrong uns trying to get another set of wrong uns. I don't think that this will end well for the Democratic party and I don't think that Trump will see out the 4 years either, the election was a toss up between two terrible individuals, we could end up soon with the same scenario, May V Corbyn, for me both of them unelectable but one of them has to be, I don't see a rising star in the Labour party and the last few months would have been the ideal opportunity for someone in the party to put their potential stamp on the party and take it forward. Corbyn has a fanatical base, but his base isn't going to be big enough to carry the election IMO, we could be heading for a Boris led Tory government, I find that quite disturbing. To repeat, IMO the Cohen stuff is going nowhere in the context of this thread.
    The Mueller investigation was set up to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Any interests that Trump's team has had with Russia are coming out in the wash. "Collusion" is not actually a thing, that's why I don't use the word.

  16. #3741

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The Mueller investigation was set up to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Any interests that Trump's team has had with Russia are coming out in the wash. "Collusion" is not actually a thing, that's why I don't use the word.
    What things are coming out in the wash?

  17. #3742
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The Mueller investigation was set up to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election. Any interests that Trump's team has had with Russia are coming out in the wash. "Collusion" is not actually a thing, that's why I don't use the word.
    Probably open to interpretation

    The investigation includes any possible links etc. etc.


  18. #3743

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Probably open to interpretation

    The investigation includes any possible links etc. etc.

    How many undercover operatives infiltrated the Trump campaign team?

  19. #3744
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    How many undercover operatives infiltrated the Trump campaign team?
    I think the ground is being prepared to end it, which itself will induce further claims, counter claims.

    I'm bailing out now. work to do

  20. #3745

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I think the ground is being prepared to end it, which itself will induce further claims, counter claims.

    I'm bailing out now. work to do
    lardy has put all of his eggs into one basket, and he is totally dependent on the liberal media being right about everything, since he always regurgitates whatever that they say. He hasn't bothered to read any of the available court documents, or congressional hearing transcripts, etc., and he still thinks Cohen went to Prague to pay some hackers, because the Clinton funded Steele dossier said he did

  21. #3746

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Probably open to interpretation

    The investigation includes any possible links etc. etc.

    Yes, it includes that. It was set up to look at Russian interference in favour of Republican (Trump), Democrat (Sanders) and Green (Stein) nominees.

    Unfortunately for the fanboys, it looks very much like it was Team Trump that grasped it with both hands, which is where "collusion" comes in.

  22. #3747

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Yes, it includes that. It was set up to look at Russian interference in favour of Republican (Trump), Democrat (Sanders) and Green (Stein) nominees.

    Unfortunately for the fanboys, it looks very much like it was Team Trump that grasped it with both hands, which is where "collusion" comes in.
    Yes, set up by Hillary Clinton

  23. #3748

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The clue is the 125 page thread on a certain individual, and not about Cohen, Perhaps I got it wrong again but the investigation by Mueller was to establish that the Russians colluded with the Thump campaign to influence the election. 30 odd million dollars later Mueller has managed to indict 30 odd Russians who will never testify, Individuals in the Thump Campaign of various felonies of which I understand were committed before the campaign, and a ham sandwich, but as of today there is no smoking gun, 30 odd million dollars has been so well spent, that the about query of the NSA database gave them the wrong Cohen who went to Prague and the complicit MSM were so quick to get it in print they couldn't walk it back, I tend to agree with OM, they are all swamp creatures, all crooks and all devoid of any humanity, it's all about one set of wrong uns trying to get another set of wrong uns. I don't think that this will end well for the Democratic party and I don't think that Trump will see out the 4 years either, the election was a toss up between two terrible individuals, we could end up soon with the same scenario, May V Corbyn, for me both of them unelectable but one of them has to be, I don't see a rising star in the Labour party and the last few months would have been the ideal opportunity for someone in the party to put their potential stamp on the party and take it forward. Corbyn has a fanatical base, but his base isn't going to be big enough to carry the election IMO, we could be heading for a Boris led Tory government, I find that quite disturbing. To repeat, IMO the Cohen stuff is going nowhere in the context of this thread.
    Well I’m in full agreement with you that the thought of a Boris Johnson led govt would be truly ****ing horrendous.

  24. #3749

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    How many undercover operatives infiltrated the Trump campaign team?
    Would any Trump Russia Collusion expert on here like to comment on these undercover operatives, whose main job seemed to be pushing innocent people into dialogue with dodgy Russians, who were possibly also undercover operatives.

  25. #3750
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Would any Trump Russia Collusion expert on here like to comment on these undercover operatives, whose main job seemed to be pushing innocent people into dialogue with dodgy Russians, who were possibly also undercover operatives.

    I read that Comey has caved and will testify in private with an unredacted transcript released within 24 hours, the full on conspiracy lot are out in full force today, 100 troops to Gitmo for 400 days, Gitmo only has 40 inmates (wiki source)

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