Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
If you've never seen it, watch the film The Matrix as it's one of the best ever made. It stars Keanu Reeves who plays a character known as Neo. He learns there's two realities, a fake one, The Matrix, in which virtually all people believe, and a real one which very few are aware of. Wales-Bales, Mrs Steve R and I have fully escaped The Matrix. While Wales-Bales and I reveal the truth in bitesize pieces, Mrs Steve R's role is to ensure steaming brews and tasty scones are readily available to sustain us.

For thousands of years the keystone of the false construct was religions centered on an asexual being known as God. People were - and still are - brainwashed from birth to conform to their parents set of beliefs. Christians, for example, learn that thou shall not kill, steal, arse-end thy neighbour's goat, etc. While many of the principles remain worthy and helped build a more peaceful, cohesive and harmonious society, its primary purpose was to exercise control for the benefit of a small elite to consolidate their wealth and power and influence over everyone else. It's why today most British land is owned in relatively few hands and the Church of England is an immensely wealthy institution.

While millions of Britons and other citizens of First World countries abandon that hoax, a great many have instead been seduced by the lure of materialism, an enormous celebrity cult and the worship of money, particularly all they can grab from everyone else via the benefit system whether they need it or not. They've embraced decadence, permissiveness, illegal drugs and a vacuous popular culture that's designed to lower their collective IQ, promote selfishness and narcissism, weaken communities, undermine what was the traditional family structure and reduce a sense of nationhood. Obviously, to those outside The Matrix, the importation of swathes of impossible to integrate followers of a cave dweller who had a proclivity for molesting preteen girls was designed to accelerate the process. A hopelessly indebted, dumbed-down, divided and fractured citizenry is to the advantage of those who operate The Matrix to a spectacularly successful degree. Oxfam says 8 people own the equivalent wealth of 3.6 billion people, half the world's population.

Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world: https://www.oxfam.org/en/pressroom/p...lth-half-world
I liked the way you prefaced how Keanu Reeves starred in The Matrix (an irrelevance to your argument) before railing against celebrity cults.

The Matrix netted $400m for its makers Warner Brothers and the two other films in the trilogy a further $1b. This materialism allowed it to embrace decadence and permissiveness in films such as Eyes Wide Shut and vacuous popular culture movies such as The Pokemon series.

Its parent company Time Warner has on its Board of Directors, Mathias Dopfner, a Bilderberger. It is currently undergoing a mega-merger with AT&T creating one of the globes biggest multi-nationals.

It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good sometimes but don't let me get in the way way of your polemic and admiration of the film, its stars and makers!