Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
I'm no City planner but if travelling into the center of Cardiff is already difficult I can't see why you would relocate major offices into town, the HMRC office for example, without first improving travel options. For me, we need an upgrade to Cardiff Central train station and if there is no space to expand then a second medium sized station to be built.

If you take that thinking and apply it to Wales as a country then we need to either a) improve travel options before cramming everything into smallest possible area and/or b) spread things out a bit more. Instead Alun Cairns wants everything crammed into Cardiff/Bristol area and isn't supporting job opportunities outside this region or much needed improvements to travel options, unless boosting travel around Bristol area equally/firstly.

Unless you're in London, it seems that there is no spend that's worth the taxpayer's money.
No argument here, what you're saying is right... but it doesn't detract from the fact the relief road is needed on the M4. Cardiff desperately needs the Parkway train station to become a reality, as does it need a relatively big station on Newport road. I would say that when (if) the metro gets up and running, the potential for places in the Valleys to have bigger employment bases is fairly open.