Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
As usual, this is coming down to being all about the Conservative party and the absolute obsession some of their MPs have with the EU. It might be that he is a very good constituency MP, but Bill Cash has been a member of Parliament for thirty four years according to Wikipedia and in all of that time, I've never heard him talk about anything else except the EU and his expenses!
This is what the whole Brexit disaster was about from day 1. Dodgy Dave was worried his party was haemorrhaging members to UKIP, so succumbed to pressure and held the referendum. Once the vote went to Leave, he knew there was never going to be a satisfactory outcome, so ran for the hills.

Riding on the crest of the wave, Buffoon Johnson and Fickle Gove decided they'd have a go, but very quickly realised the sh1t sandwich that was being served wouldn't suit their agenda. Leaving Tessy Dismay to pick up the baton and run with it, knowing that whatever happened would ruin her career.

They're now waiting in the wings in their suits of armour on their white chargers ready to rescue the damsel (tory party) in distress. Whatever happens now with Brexit, they'll be able to lay the blame squarely at the feet of Tess and proclaim there's nothing they can do to resolve the sh1t state she's left the country in.

Unfortunately for them, there are few new pretenders to the throne that could put up a good challenge against them.

Whatever happens, the winners will be the wealthy political classes of both main stream parties.