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Thread: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

  1. #1

    Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

  2. #2

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Veg1960 View Post
    I make it 32.

    Sounds like a Tory leadership contest is about to trigger

    now that's 48 letters!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Or its a political tool being used to convince European leaders to agree with May , or we crash out . If its is a rel challenge and they fail to depose her ,she stays, and they cannot go again until after Brexit , all very house of cards stuff ?

  4. #4

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Whatever it is, the notion of the Tories having no confidence votes in their leader with just three months left before we are supposed to be leaving is absurd and offers yet more evidence that this country which so many leavers talk up as if we still have an Empire is, justifiably, an international laughing stock.

    I've been pretty scathing about Corbyn recently, but, in purely party political terms, you can see why he is not pursuing a no confidence vote when the Government are doing such a good job as the main opposition party!

  5. #5

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Whatever it is, the notion of the Tories having no confidence votes in their leader with just three months left before we are supposed to be leaving is absurd and offers yet more evidence that this country which so many leavers talk up as if we still have an Empire is, justifiably, an international laughing stock.

    I've been pretty scathing about Corbyn recently, but, in purely party political terms, you can see why he is not pursuing a no confidence vote when the Government are doing such a good job as the main opposition party!
    Just think how bad it would be if we didn't have strong and stable, eh? I'm glad we don't have chaos.

  6. #6

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    In a nutshell as I can’t be arsed googling it is it a yes/no if she wins more then 50% she wins?

  7. #7

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    In a nutshell as I can’t be arsed googling it is it a yes/no if she wins more then 50% she wins?
    Yes but a bit like Thatcher the higher the votes against the greater the likelihood she would be encouraged to quit.

  8. #8

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

  9. #9

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    As usual, this is coming down to being all about the Conservative party and the absolute obsession some of their MPs have with the EU. It might be that he is a very good constituency MP, but Bill Cash has been a member of Parliament for thirty four years according to Wikipedia and in all of that time, I've never heard him talk about anything else except the EU and his expenses!

  10. #10

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    As usual, this is coming down to being all about the Conservative party and the absolute obsession some of their MPs have with the EU. It might be that he is a very good constituency MP, but Bill Cash has been a member of Parliament for thirty four years according to Wikipedia and in all of that time, I've never heard him talk about anything else except the EU and his expenses!
    This is what the whole Brexit disaster was about from day 1. Dodgy Dave was worried his party was haemorrhaging members to UKIP, so succumbed to pressure and held the referendum. Once the vote went to Leave, he knew there was never going to be a satisfactory outcome, so ran for the hills.

    Riding on the crest of the wave, Buffoon Johnson and Fickle Gove decided they'd have a go, but very quickly realised the sh1t sandwich that was being served wouldn't suit their agenda. Leaving Tessy Dismay to pick up the baton and run with it, knowing that whatever happened would ruin her career.

    They're now waiting in the wings in their suits of armour on their white chargers ready to rescue the damsel (tory party) in distress. Whatever happens now with Brexit, they'll be able to lay the blame squarely at the feet of Tess and proclaim there's nothing they can do to resolve the sh1t state she's left the country in.

    Unfortunately for them, there are few new pretenders to the throne that could put up a good challenge against them.

    Whatever happens, the winners will be the wealthy political classes of both main stream parties.

  11. #11

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Brilliant, hadn't seen that posted on here for what seems like hours?

  12. #12

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Will the likes of Rees-Mogg or Boris really want their job or will they prefer to sacrifice another Tory to carry out their dirty work, rather than ruin their own "reputations"

  13. #13

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Will the likes of Rees-Mogg or Boris really want their job or will they prefer to sacrifice another Tory to carry out their dirty work, rather than ruin their own "reputations"
    I think you may be right. Is it too early for the "cavalry" to come to the rescue yet? Maybe they'll wait until we know the end result either way.

  14. #14

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    She appeared relaxed and quietly confident today ahead of the vote. But over 100 against her, surely she must go.

  15. #15

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    She appeared relaxed and quietly confident today ahead of the vote. But over 100 against her, surely she must go.

    Even more bizarre times. I suspect a general election, or possibly minority Labour administration more likely than her handing over power to the ERG.

  16. #16

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    She's the turd who won't flush. Most of those 200 came from those she's given .gov jobs to.

  17. #17

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    She's the turd who won't flush. Most of those 200 came from those she's given .gov jobs to.
    Ah the ERG line. If you believe that there weren't a sizeable number of ambitious or mendacious members of the government who voted against her in the secret ballot you are even more politically naive than even your posts suggest.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Ah the ERG line. If you believe that there weren't a sizeable number of ambitious or mendacious members of the government who voted against her in the secret ballot you are even more politically naive than even your posts suggest.
    Think your right .

    Within the Tory ranks there are actually some moderate thinkers (ironic I know, for some Labour voters to swallow , that the words moderate and Tory ,go together, lol)

    There's a view in the moderate thinking Tory brigade, that the ERG are bloody dangerous extremists, noticed Mogg has said he has no interest in Leadership, he just likes a snipe at folk ,got no balls to put himself put there, takes a lot to become a leader and lead and push through unpopular decisions and choices ,so much easier to utter populist statements, and just disagree with other people's decisions and play to the media.

  19. #19

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Think your right .

    Within the Tory ranks there are actually some moderate thinkers (ironic I know, for some Labour voters to swallow , that the words moderate and Tory ,go together, lol)

    There's a view in the moderate thinking Tory brigade, that the ERG are bloody dangerous extremists, noticed Mogg has said he has no interest in Leadership, he just likes a snipe at folk ,got no balls to put himself put there, takes a lot to become a leader and lead and push through unpopular decisions and choices ,so much easier to utter populist statements, and just disagree with other people's decisions and play to the media.
    ^^^^ this

    I thought this whole sorry episode needed one of the " hard brexitters " to step forward before the vote and say " this is how its going to be, I will stand, lets do this " instead you had Mogg standing in the shadows looking like the snake he is

    maybe i was expecting too much of a politician

  20. #20

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Just so we're clear, any Eurosceptic advocating no deal is an extremist?

  21. #21

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    ^^^^ this

    I thought this whole sorry episode needed one of the " hard brexitters " to step forward before the vote and say " this is how its going to be, I will stand, lets do this " instead you had Mogg standing in the shadows looking like the snake he is

    maybe i was expecting too much of a politician
    They likely wouldn't get on the ballot anyway. The moderates (not a word I would use for people pushing the privatisation of the school system or clapping along to the rollout of toxic benefit reform) would organise and split their vote to keep someone like mogg out of the running. Maybe this is a good thing in some people's eyes (see Corbyn) but it does mean that the leader is unlikely to be representative of the membership.

  22. #22

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Ah the ERG line. If you believe that there weren't a sizeable number of ambitious or mendacious members of the government who voted against her in the secret ballot you are even more politically naive than even your posts suggest.
    We don't know how secret the secret ballot was. If it was identical to all the secret ballots I participated in until 1997 (the last time I voted) then it wasn't secret at all as ballot papers included a set of numbers that corresponded with the voter's name which made them and who they voted for easily identifiable. I don't doubt your definition of a secret ballot is different to mine.

  23. #23

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    We don't know how secret the secret ballot was. If it was identical to all the secret ballots I participated in until 1997 (the last time I voted) then it wasn't secret at all as ballot papers included a set of numbers that corresponded with the voter's name which made them and who they voted for easily identifiable. I don't doubt your definition of a secret ballot is different to mine.
    Surely there is only one definition for the term and your experience 31 years ago didn't fit the description.

  24. #24

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Surely there is only one definition for the term and your experience 31 years ago didn't fit the description.
    You have to realise that the last time Organ voted was just prior to when Warner Brothers released The Matrix. A Hollywood blockbuster starring Keanu Reeves that netted the studio hundreds of millions of dollars. It's central thrust is that most of us live in a simulated reality engineered by ....well, amongst others, global media companies such as Warner Brothers.

    Only those with true enlightenment realise this so those voting in elections where your vote can be traced (I agree that this is possible) can be tracked down by the state whenever Judgment Day commences (usually on a Friday unless the global financial crash or WW III hasn't already pre-booked that slot)!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Sounds like a Tory leadership contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Just so we're clear, any Eurosceptic advocating no deal is an extremist?
    The word could be out of context ,I suspect, when read , and by whom , its noun description is a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, [B]or other extreme action. [/B]

    I think the highlighted section above ( extreme action. ) could be considered by some a correct term as the potential action , of crashing out with no deal on WTO rules, favoured by some of the ERG , as a better option than the May deal, could be considered as extreme action, it could in the short term hurt a lot of people further down the food chain , with prices , job loss ,and the temporary supply chain of goods to the UK , so one could consider that as extreme action.

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