Quote Originally Posted by Harry Monk View Post
I've never seen the point in this. It's the equivalent of evangelists standing on the street corner trying to get you to read bible/ Koran passages or knocking on your door to see if you've found Jesus. If people want to believe then let them, whatever religion it is.

It has always puzzled me though, why do people pray to god to cure them from an illness - if they believe in god, then surely they believe he created everything - including the illness they've got and want him to take away. Is he saying - here have this serious illness, then tell me how much you love me and I'll get some doctors to cure you of it.
They pray to their god but make an appointment with the doc and have operatilns in hospital to hedge their bets. And people thank their deity for sparing them when a building collapses killing many others.
Religion is indoctrinal bunkum.