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Thread: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

  1. #51

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Tea View Post
    Well said, bro.

    Can your god cure cancer and bring my much missed dad back from the dead?

    With respect

  2. #52

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It's called science and evolution
    I haven’t seen for a fact either way is true or definitive proof nobody really knows, I don’t believe in religion I just accept this is likely my one and only shot so just enjoy the ride because when it’s over it’s over.

  3. #53

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Can your god cure cancer and bring my much missed dad back from the dead?

    With respect
    Sorry about your dad, but if let’s say god was real what would be the point in him doing everything for you

  4. #54

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Sorry about your dad, but if let’s say god was real what would be the point in him doing everything for you
    No worries bud , if god can't cute little kids of cancer , he's non existent

    What other great omnipresent, omnipotent being would let a two year old child die of that horrible disease

    The answer lies in science not fairy tales

  5. #55

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie View Post
    All these posts just show that you don’t understand the first thing about Christianity. Perhaps if you at least studied it a bit, you might come to undearstand our point of view, even if you don’t believe it yourself.

  6. #56

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie View Post
    It really doesn’t, you’d know that if you’d read it.
    Exodus 21 stick that up your chuffa

  7. #57

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    My idea of hell would be attending a 1980's music weekend at Minehead featuring various bands that had two hits in that period but now appear with just one original member in order to supplement their meagre pensions.....
    That's something we can agree on, the thought of attempting to recapture my youth listening to Kajagoogoo surrounded by middle aged farts is the stuff of nightmares. I was a teenager in the 80's and i do look back on it with fondness at times but wouldn't want to relive it-Absolutely tragic.

  8. #58

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Exodus 21 stick that up your chuffa
    That's your answer. You don't want to understand.

    You run down Christianity at EVERY opportunity,
    but you run away from criticising Islam with remotely the same frequency.

    Stop being a hypocrite and state exactly what you think of their God and P Mo, without adding your usual caveat that all religions or Christianity is rubbish.

  9. #59

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Indeed. Most religions were founded when man had little concept of electricity, science, and a million other things that the average person these days understands. In the absence of knowledge (and the word 'science' mean knowledge) people were either ignorant about many subjects or assigned phenomena to unseen deities and spirits.
    Believing in religion is essentially an intellectually childlike state and it is no co-incidence that almost every believer adopts the deity or deities passed on to them by local influences when they were children.
    Homo sapiens* have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and religions have come and gone with empires, dominant tribes and the equivalent of evangelism. It is unlikely that any believers on this board would have held the same religious beliefs if they were born in a different location where another religion is dominant or in any era before Abrahamism took root.

    As for the conflation of art, poetry and the like: yes, belief sysytems do inspire people and creative souls have always found work with the powers that be in any location. However, if I were to believe in little green men and paint a wonderful picture as a result of inspiration infused by the experience it doesn't mean that little green men exist - and someone else in a different location may assign that same inspiration to another deity. However, there are experiences in the mind of man (and all around the world) that are obviously common across all societies and it's more about other factors than little tin gods.

    *At what state of evolution man was assigned a soul that could pass to the afterlife is another matter. Are there Cro-magnon and Neanderthal souls in your chosen afterlife/paradise/heaven?
    Genie, you are generalising massively. You are entitled to your opinion, but you talk in such definitive terms about a subject that means different things to different people, and those people exercise their faith in many different ways. It's not as easy to suggest that everyone is wrong and you're 100% sure of it, it's a dangerous attitude to take. Plenty of religious people don't take what the good book says literally, how could they and why would they want to? Faith is a hugely complex subject. You may think it's all nonsense, that's fine, i'm no believer either, but to be dismissive is an insult to so many good people who have faith in my opinion.

  10. #60

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Genie, you are generalising massively. You are entitled to your opinion, but you talk in such definitive terms about a subject that means different things to different people, and those people exercise their faith in many different ways. It's not as easy to suggest that everyone is wrong and you're 100% sure of it, it's a dangerous attitude to take. Plenty of religious people don't take what the good book says literally, how could they and why would they want to? Faith is a hugely complex subject. You may think it's all nonsense, that's fine, i'm no believer either, but to be dismissive is an insult to so many good people who have faith in my opinion.
    Please don't patronise me as I know a fair bit about religions but I tfy to keep my responsed to a length that bexits the format. However you wish to couch your argument many pepple havr faith built on myth, indoctrination. naivety, tomes that are put together selectively by other human beings and no evidence that stands up to close examination. As for my being dismissive being insulting to meople that is a bloody hoot. I am fair-minded enough not to be insulted when religious people knock on my door and tell me I am in the wrong by eschewing their particular deity. Oh yeah, once again you are seemingly concentrating your comments ('the good book' ) on just one of thousnds of rigions that have existed in the history of mankind. This persistance conveys a certain myopia and mNy Christians have very little idea as to how even their own so-callew holy book was collated and how it differs from other Abrahamist versions. Or that so many Bible stories came from earlier religions. Religion is a broad and fascinating subject but you seem to be dwelling on just one of thousands of them.

  11. #61

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Please don't patronise me as I know a fair bit about religions but I tfy to keep my responsed to a length that bexits the format. However you wish to couch your argument many pepple havr faith built on myth, indoctrination. naivety, tomes that are put together selectively by other human beings and no evidence that stands up to close examination. As for my being dismissive being insulting to meople that is a bloody hoot. I am fair-minded enough not to be insulted when religious people knock on my door and tell me I am in the wrong by eschewing their particular deity. Oh yeah, once again you are seemingly concentrating your comments ('the good book' ) on just one of thousnds of rigions that have existed in the history of mankind. This persistance conveys a certain myopia and mNy Christians have very little idea as to how even their own so-callew holy book was collated and how it differs from other Abrahamist versions. Or that so many Bible stories came from earlier religions. Religion is a broad and fascinating subject but you seem to be dwelling on just one of thousands of them.
    Man, you're so Pompous, or is it righteous, that's probably a word that you don't like for obvious reasons. I wasn't trying to patronise you or insult your sensitivities. Here's the irony, you seem so sure that what you say is correct, you make no attempt to leave the door ajar or show some understanding towards those with faith, yet you are critical of religion for being pretty much as puerile as you are in the opposite direction. Shame you can't see that

  12. #62

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Typos and relative brevity are due to my responding via my mobile down the gym, :tbg:

  13. #63

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Typos and relative brevity are due to my responding via my mobile down the gym, :tbg:
    Don't worry, i didn't understand most of it anyway, even with the errors.....

  14. #64

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Man, you're so Pompous, or is it righteous, that's probably a word that you don't like for obvious reasons. I wasn't trying to patronise you or insult your sensitivities. Here's the irony, you seem so sure that what you say is correct, you make no attempt to leave the door ajar or show some understanding towards those with faith, yet you are critical of religion for being pretty much as puerile as you are in the opposite direction. Shame you can't see that
    Laughing here. I shouldn't insult people by dismissing religion but you call one of my post 'A crock of shit' and then hurl some personal insults.
    Well I will not descend to that level nor will I squawk that my sensitivities have been hurt.

  15. #65

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Laughing here. I shouldn't insult people by dismissing religion but you call one of my post 'A crock of shit' and then hurl some personal insults.
    Well I will not descend to that level nor will I squawk that my sensitivities have been hurt.
    Excuse me, I apologised for the 'Crock of shit' comment, and it still stands. Being called Pompous or Righteous isn't an insult, it's my interpretation of your views in the post you made and the first couple of sentences where you proclaim your own Knowledge on religion, but tone it down so that 'We can all understand what you're saying' And you think you've been insulted....Dear me...

  16. #66

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Beddau chaps?

  17. #67
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    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Religion is utter bollocks and any book that boots it up the arse and it's thick following gets my vote
    IMO, it's a control tool for dividing people, I'm christened and baptised but an atheist, it's an okay gig on a Sunday for the coffin dodgers to go and have a chinwag with likewise minded.

  18. #68

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    IMO, it's a control tool for dividing people, I'm christened and baptised but an atheist, it's an okay gig on a Sunday for the coffin dodgers to go and have a chinwag with likewise minded.
    Dodging the coffin is why they are going

    Should smoke a big joint instead

  19. #69

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Dodging the coffin is why they are going

    Should smoke a big joint instead
    Avoiding reality is your suggestion to most things 😂

  20. #70

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Excuse me, I apologised for the 'Crock of shit' comment, and it still stands. Being called Pompous or Righteous isn't an insult, it's my interpretation of your views in the post you made and the first couple of sentences where you proclaim your own Knowledge on religion, but tone it down so that 'We can all understand what you're saying' And you think you've been insulted....Dear me...
    You apologise for the 'Crock of shit' comment but 'it still stands'. Another amusing inconsistency.

  21. #71

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You apologise for the 'Crock of shit' comment but 'it still stands'. Another amusing inconsistency.
    Not at all, i was retracting the Apology-You obviously didn't understand that. And it's Apologised, as it's past tense

  22. #72

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    Beddau chaps?
    Tbg wins = god isn’t real
    Tuerto wins = god is real

  23. #73

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    Avoiding reality is your suggestion to most things 😂
    Handing out joints to the flock would see congregations dwindle even more than they already are

    Cannabis would show religion up for what it is , a pile of crap

  24. #74

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Interesting exchange of views. It's not an all or nothing. To quote St John1.......

    He was in the world and though the world was made through Him the world did not recognise Him. But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God

  25. #75

    Re: Best anti religion book I have ever read , Sam Harris, letter to a Christian nation

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Tbg wins = god isn’t real
    Tuerto wins = god is real
    Just one problem there. Tuerto stated earlier in this thread:
    `i [sic] simply don't believe there is a god'

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