Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
A view of the Flynn procedings from a lawyer who was present in the courtroom..

The guy certainly likes context. Here is a bit more context on what "the lawyer" likes to do in his spare time!


I know it must be galling for you because you have gone the full nine yards on the Flynn was set up, Flynn won't go to court, Flynn will be let off and never get to court, the judge will halt this because of the set up.

In the meantime he pleaded guilty and entered into co-operation with Mueller during 19 separate interviews and handed over thousands of documents relating to an on-going investigation that is still to conclude (details totally redacted in the Mueller mitigation plea on Flynn's behalf).

Now Flynn gets excoriated by a judge who has a reputation for filleting prosecutors if they get their law wrong and sends Flynn away to sharpen his cooperation pencil some more if he wants to have any chance of avoiding a custodial sentence. Yet in WB land that is all nonsense because a lawyer that arranges MAGA meets in Trump hotels as a leisure activity says so.

What with your Clinton Foundation "whistle-blower" story in ashes whilst Trump's Foundation is being closed after an investigation found that it was being used for the Trump's personal use rather than charitable causes then not a great couple of weeks for the evidence and fact free bull you consume in vast quantities.