Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
I used to be into Drones in a fair way ( somewhat lost interest at the start of this year ) they ticked the box for the geek side of me

This has been a issue that has been coming for a while, DJI ( one of the biggest drone makers ) have even added a Geo no fly zone to stop this, but of course it can be hacked to turn it off

So we can have top end drones hacked to overcome the GeoNFZ, or of course we can just build our own out of parts which wouldnt have the geo hfz

SO the shooting it down idea, they did in the USA a while back, but the airport was out of the way, Gatwick is in a built up area, the drone doesnt need to be flying over the runway, just in the flight path, so thats a no go, you couldnt have a drone falling out of the sky in a built up area

The drone pilot / operator could be driving around in a van and the drone will return to the controller, the person, could put it in the back of the van, change the batteries and drive to the next industrial estate and take-off again

The US have also used another drone to " net " the rouge drone, of course this will cause it to fall out of the sky ( unless the other drone could stop that ? ? ? ? )

Of course then you could attach a bomb to it, fly it over something and detonate, the consequences would catastrophic

I can only see the answer to fly a Real helicopter over it ( above it ) net it with the net attached to a line from the real helicopter, now I am not sure why this hasnt happened, the airport it closed, so no air traffic
Could a Barca helicopter do a better job? Asking for a friend.