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Thread: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

  1. #26

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You obviously seem incredibly knowledgable about such things (and I always find your posts of interest) but this is how I always see you in my mind's eye:
    Attachment 2793
    I read the same financial websites each day to keep abreast of events. Markets and the oil price turned in the first week of October. So many weird things are occurring it's difficult to keep tabs on everything. Needless to say, my doom-o-meter is twitching.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Why do you get so defensive?

    You have done quite a good job of explaining what a projection is but not why the national debt is a projection. It specifically doesn't include future liabilities like pensions as far as I am aware and is simply a record of what we already owe.

    Really struggling with this bit tbh. What type of things are you referring to?
    Sorry your struggling ,be strong ,gotta go got football matters on my mind and prepare for .

  3. #28

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Market malaise continued today. Every stock index down, mostly between 1%-2%, oil price fell again, now minus 40% in less than three months and our old favourite, the world's most dangerous financial institution, Deutsche Bank's share price was slammed for 7% of its value to finish at a pitiful €7 even.

  4. #29

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    It's coming and it's going to be brutal. I feel genuinely sorry for anybody who still has a mortgage, is in insecure employment, or is dependent upon the state.

  5. #30

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's coming and it's going to be brutal. I feel genuinely sorry for anybody who still has a mortgage, is in insecure employment, or is dependent upon the state.
    Well the first two apply to me so I’m ****ed unless I get selling flat out on job three 😂

  6. #31

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Well the first two apply to me so I’m ****ed unless I get selling flat out on job three ��
    The big question is how prepared is the UK? I know they've been building a ring of steel around London, but that's probably just to keep us lot out! I'm predicting total chaos in and around the EU. The US is interesting, with their America First policy they have now become energy independent, they've got their farmers growing food again, and they are making useful stuff. They are also protecting their borders, and starting to bring their military home. Personally speaking, I've got some spuds growing in the back garden, and a huge tin bath to collect the rain water.

  7. #32

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's coming and it's going to be brutal. I feel genuinely sorry for anybody who still has a mortgage, is in insecure employment, or is dependent upon the state.
    Kinell, that's everyone, isn't it?

    I posted an article from Brandon Smith quite recently. His latest offering is below. It's a long read but you might find it interesting.

    The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse: http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3...nomic-collapse

    Thursday, 20 December 2018 14:05 Brandon Smith

    The concept of using the economy as a weapon is not an alien one to most people. Generally, we understand the nature of feudalism and how various groups can be herded onto centralized plantations to be exploited for their labor. Some people see this as a consequence of “capitalism,” and others see it as an extension of socialism/communism. Sadly, many people wrongly assume that one is a solution to the other — meaning they think that crony capitalism is a solution to communist centralization or that communism is a solution to the corruption of crony capitalism. The reality is that this is just another false paradigm.

    What is most disturbing is that the majority of the public have no grasp whatsoever of the true solution to the problem of corrupt or totalitarian economies: free markets.

    Free markets have not existed within the global economy on a large scale for at least the past 100 years. The rise of central banking has eroded all vestiges of freedom in production and trade. Crony capitalism with its focus on corporate power and monopoly has nothing to do with free markets, despite the arguments of rather naive socialists who blame “free markets” for the problems of the world. If you ever hear anyone making this claim, I suggest you remind them that corporations and their advantages are a creation of governments.

    The protections of corporate personhood, limited liability, unfair taxation of small business competition and legislation shielding corporations from civil lawsuits are all generated by government. Therefore, corporations and crony capitalism are much more a product of socialist-style systems, not free markets. In a true free market devoid of constant government interference and favoritism, corporations could not exist and would be obliterated over time by the competitive environment. And without limited liability, business moguls that violate the rule of law and harm others would be subject to personal prosecution and jail time instead of simply paying a fine. The cost/benefit ratio for corrupt business would disappear and thus corrupt businesses would flounder.

    At the very core of the combination of corporate power and government protection (what some might say is the classical definition of fascism), rest the central banks, globalist institutions and the banking elites behind them. Central banks are the stewards of the various plantations (nations) and oversee the exploitation of these societies and their labor. Major globalist constructs like the IMF or the Bank for International Settlements are the policy makers for the national central banks. They hand down the strategy, and the central banks implement that strategy in concert. At the top of the pyramid sit the round table groups and the international bankers themselves, reaping the rewards of the cycle of theft.

    As noted scholar, globalist insider and mentor to Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley wrote in his book Tragedy And Hope:

    “The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank … sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

    This is an easy notion to understand, I think. That is to say, the idea of oligarchs, the 1% if you will, controlling the other 99% through economic leverage is something that most people can agree exists, whether they identify with the political Right or the political Left. They may only have a vague notion of the facts behind this conspiracy, but they have seen it in action in their daily lives and they know it is real. Here is where most of them start to lose sight of the bigger picture, though…

    Many see the conspiracy as merely a product of profit motive. That is to say, they don’t see it as a conscious and organized effort so much as unconsciously motivated greed. This reminds me of the most famous line from the movie The Usual Suspects:

    “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.”

    All the evidence overwhelmingly assures us that the conspiracy is fully conscious, organized and deliberate. It is not an ugly or random byproduct of “profit motive.” This is absurd when you consider the amount of coordination that is required or the number of think tanks and secretive conferences that occur yearly, from the Council on Foreign Relations, to Tavistock, to the Trilateral Commission, to the Brookings Institute, to Davos, to Bilderberg and to even weirder circles like Bohemian Grove. These are very real centers of power that can have far reaching influence in our daily lives.

    To ignore this and reduce it all down to a “natural” extension of greed is to stupidly rest one’s soft spongy head in the jaws of organized evil while pretending you can’t smell the stench of its gingivitis.

    The control mechanisms of the globalists are far more complex though than simply exploiting the flow of money or the accumulation of debt. Numerous liberty activists that have accepted the reality of institutionalized control of the economy still refuse to acknowledge another very real control mechanism — the use of economic collapse. I’m not sure why this idea is taken as farfetched by people who are already versed in the facts behind globalism. Their biases just won’t allow them to look at the environment objectively and see the usefulness of collapse as a tactic to gain more leverage and influence.

    I believe the key to understanding economics and the world at large is to embrace the truth that almost everything that is done in the world of politics and finance is done to manipulate public psychology toward certain ends. That is to say, the true battlefield is the human mind; everything else is secondary.

    But what ends am I referring to? To be more specific, the masses are constantly being pressured into more dependency, more fear, less self-sufficiency and less awareness of the grand scheme. We are encouraged to box with our own shadows, to produce for the system but not for ourselves, to struggle for minimal gains spent haphazardly on meaningless objectives, to fight with each other for scraps while remaining blind to the enormous parasites attached to our backs, to affiliate with pointless causes led by puppet politicians and controlled opposition, to never build anything ourselves, always waiting for some hero on a white horse to come and save us.

    In essence, we are consistently being distracted or admonished from our natural inclination to establish free markets - free markets in thought, in trade, in information, in government, etc. The globalists are even willing to collapse entire economic systems to prevent this outcome and to keep us trapped in centralization. This prison is a mental one, for the most part. At any time, we could walk away from the totalitarian model and build our own free market systems. Getting to this point psychologically, getting people to take the first steps, is the hard part, however.

    Economics as the globalists implement it is not about profit. It is sometimes about milking the population for labor or hard assets, but this is a side benefit. What economics is really about is molding minds; it is about changing the psychology of millions of people. It is about erasing inborn conscience and moral compass. It is about destroying long held societal principles and heritage. And sometimes, it is about erasing history altogether, killing most of a generation, and then writing a new history that is more suitable to the globalist ideal, which is much easier when there are so few people who remember the truth left to argue about it.

    Globalists exhibit most, if not all, the traits of narcissistic sociopaths, who sometimes organize into cooperative groups as long as there is a promise of mutual gain and a structure of top down dominance. Narcissistic sociopaths are notorious for using crisis as a means to keep the people around them off balance and serving their interests. Their ultimate goal is rarely profit. Instead, they seek power; power over every aspect of every life of every person around them. A modicum of power is not enough. They want total control, and they will use any means to get it, including engineering threats and disasters to elicit compliance or to paint themselves as a necessary hero or “protector.”

    A sociopath is not content to control people through fear or violence alone. They want their victims to love them; to view them as saviors instead of tyrants.

    To reiterate, the goal of economic subversion is to break down the human mind and change it into something else; something less human or, at the very least, something less rebellious. One can only control people through debt and false rewards for so long before they start to recoil and revolt. Economic collapse, on the other hand, can change people fundamentally through persistent terror and through tragedy. Through trauma, the globalists hope to make men into monsters or robots.

    The current system was never built to last. Our economy is designed to fail, yet few people seem to question why that is? They tell themselves that this is because greed has led the money elite to self-sabotage, but this is a fantasy. It is not just that the system is designed to fail, but that it is designed to fail according to an organized timetable.

    The globalist magazine The Economist announced in 1988 the coming of a one-world currency system, one that would be launched in 2018 and that would require the decline of the U.S. economy and the dollar to open the door to the reset. It is no coincidence that we are now witnessing the beginning of a major financial crash in the last quarter of 2018. This crash was engineered starting in 2008 by central banks first through the inflation of a historic bubble encompassing almost all asset classes using stimulus measures and near zero interest rates, and it is being imploded today by the same central banks using tightening measures into economic weakness.

    It is also no coincidence that the globalists have announced in 2018 that their intention is to adapt to a digital monetary system using blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. That is to say, the one world currency system predicted in The Economist is already here. They are only waiting for a crisis large enough to pressure society to accept total global centralization as a solution.

    Forcing the public to embrace worldwide centralization would require several measures. First, the current system, which as stated is designed to fail, would have to be allowed to crash. Second, the crash would have to be blamed on someone other than the globalists and their ideology of globalism. Third, philosophical opponents of globalism (i.e., conservatives, nationalists and decentralization activists) would have to be demonized or eliminated so that the globalists can build their new world order without opposition. Fourth, the population would need to be sufficiently traumatized to the point of psychological submission and desperation, so that when the new system is introduced, they will be grateful for it, thus preventing future rebellion by making the public a willing cooperator in their own enslavement.

    The success of such a plan is not guaranteed. In fact, I believe the globalists will ultimately fail in their endeavor as I have outlined in past articles. This does not mean though that they aren’t going to try. Liberty activists must accept the fact that the plan of the globalists involves the deliberate destruction of our current economy. Those who refuse will find themselves bewildered by the outcome of future financial developments, instead of being prepared. They will find themselves easily subdued, instead of ready to rebel. And they will wonder after it’s all over why they didn’t see it coming when the end game was so obvious.

  8. #33

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I posted an article from Brandon Smith quite recently. His latest offering is below. It's a long read but you might find it interesting.

    The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse: http://www.alt-market.com/articles/3...nomic-collapse
    Sapiens is a good book about the mind conditioning that has been going on since the first agricultural revolution. Once you know the tricks everything becomes more obvious.

  9. #34

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Stocks were more mixed today but the U.S. ones were collectively down another 2%.

    CNN's Fear and Greed index just reached the most fearful ever recorded today.


  10. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    All fake news.

  11. #36

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    You've had fair warning of what's coming over the hill. If you choose not to deploy defensive measures (having several months worth of cash on hand, etc) in readiness for the gathering storm then you'll only have yourself to blame.

  12. #37

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    My private pension is linked to the financial markets so my pension pot is taking a hammering at the moment (down about £20K in matter of weeks). Although I have quite a diverse portfolio this is the proverbial "perfect storm" situation - UK/Euro stocks rattled by Brexit uncertainty and US stocks rattled by potential tariff war with China plus general Trump nonsense stuff. Even Japanese stocks are negatively affected but I'm not sure why!

    (P.S. yes, I did convert enough shares into cash back in October to see me through til next October)

  13. #38

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    My private pension is linked to the financial markets so my pension pot is taking a hammering at the moment (down about £20K in matter of weeks). Although I have quite a diverse portfolio this is the proverbial "perfect storm" situation - UK/Euro stocks rattled by Brexit uncertainty and US stocks rattled by potential tariff war with China plus general Trump nonsense stuff. Even Japanese stocks are negatively affected but I'm not sure why!

    (P.S. yes, I did convert enough shares into cash back in October to see me through til next October)
    There was always going to be a market correction, with or without Trump, due to the nature of economic cycles.

  14. #39

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Crude oil price took another monkey hammering today finishing down 6% to total a 44% decline in under three months. https://oilprice.com/

    Trump was a moron to take credit for the stock market bubble and by declaring the U.S. economy was in the best shape ever. Last week he practically begged Fed Reserve Chairman Powell - whom he appointed - not to raise the interest rate by a measly quarter point.

  15. #40

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Crude oil price took another monkey hammering today finishing down 6% to total a 44% decline in under three months. https://oilprice.com/

    Trump was a moron to take credit for the stock market bubble and by declaring the U.S. economy was in the best shape ever. Last week he practically begged Fed Reserve Chairman Powell - whom he appointed - not to raise the interest rate by a measly quarter point.
    Interest rates have gone up 4 times this year.

  16. #41

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Yeah, they're gradually being normalised to where they should be, which historically is just above the prevailing rate of inflation. Even with last week's raise it's below where it should be. Of course, years of negative real interest rates (AKA artificially cheap credit) and QE is why stock markets, housing, land, fine art, etc, are so massively overpriced, and is why they have so much further to fall.

  17. #42

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    The Federal Reserve, which isn't federal - but private whose shareholders are unknown - and has never been fully audited since its inception in 1913 caused the Great Depression by using the same playbook that's being repeated today. By making cheap money available everyone piled into assets during the 1920s, then when they had corralled enough of the something-for-nothing chumps they contracted the money supply following years of expanding it. All the weak hands sold their shares, ditto for those who defaulted on their inflated homes so that the banksters swooped to collect their assets for peanuts.

  18. #43

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    I hadn't realised Asian markets traded on Christmas Day. The smash in Japan was bigger than in Yank land. So big in fact that it's the top story at the BBC's site.

    Japan's Nikkei index slides amid US uncertainty

    Japan's main stock market index has plunged, reflecting traders' worries following a slide on Wall Street.

    The Nikkei closed down 5% on Tuesday, its worst finish since April 2017. Indexes in Shanghai, Bangkok and Taiwan also fell.

    Investors have been concerned about President Trump's dispute with the US central bank chief and another government shutdown.

    US stocks had their worst Christmas Eve on record.

    The Dow Jones index of 30 leading companies fell more than 650 points on Monday, and is on track for its worst December since 1931, during the Great Depression.

    More: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-46679094

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Thankfully the real world is a million miles away from this doom and gloom , as we wallow in its riches.

  20. #45

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    People were far, far tougher in the 1920s and 30s. Very few soft and coddled fatties were around as the welfare state was in its infancy. The thrift and make do and mend mentality is beyond most people's living memory. The mindless throwaway consumerist society and Mammon has been the norm for most of us. I've stated before, but for one - Housing Benefit - of the dozens available there'd be more homeless today than in Victorian times. If and when the state becomes bankrupt then those who are most dependent upon it for income, including those six million public sector workers, 12 million State Pensioners, etc, etc, will endure the most hardship.

    Returning to financial markets, we can only guess at what the action portends. Should a capitulation event occur, say for argument's sake stock markets bomb 20%-30% in a single day, then it'll be time to panic.

    Brandon Smith, whose latest article I posted on this page, is convinced it's the beginning of a deliberate collapse designed to inflict so much suffering that people will beg for a new system.

  21. #46

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    An extremely thinly-veiled plea from Donald Trump today for investors to buy stocks tomorrow.

    Trump Urges Buying the Dip After Stocks Sink on D.C. Dysfunction

    President Donald Trump suggested that a recent swoon in U.S. stock markets is a buying opportunity for investors, even though many analysts blame his policies and Washington gridlock for the plunge.

    “We have companies -- the greatest in the world, and they’re doing really well,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. “They have record kinds of numbers. So I think it’s a tremendous opportunity to buy. Really a great opportunity to buy.”

    More: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump...160858067.html

  22. #47

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You've had fair warning of what's coming over the hill. If you choose not to deploy defensive measures (having several months worth of cash on hand, etc) in readiness for the gathering storm then you'll only have yourself to blame.
    "Several months worth of cash"? Chance'd be a fine thing.

  23. #48
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    "Several months worth of cash"? Chance'd be a fine thing.
    That's the secret world of capitalism kicking in , TOBW. ( some anti establishment folk got money (most of them live in North London, their foot soldiers are in the suburbs starving )

  24. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    People were far, far tougher in the 1920s and 30s. Very few soft and coddled fatties were around as the welfare state was in its infancy. The thrift and make do and mend mentality is beyond most people's living memory. The mindless throwaway consumerist society and Mammon has been the norm for most of us. I've stated before, but for one - Housing Benefit - of the dozens available there'd be more homeless today than in Victorian times. If and when the state becomes bankrupt then those who are most dependent upon it for income, including those six million public sector workers, 12 million State Pensioners, etc, etc, will endure the most hardship.

    Returning to financial markets, we can only guess at what the action portends. Should a capitulation event occur, say for argument's sake stock markets bomb 20%-30% in a single day, then it'll be time to panic.

    Brandon Smith, whose latest article I posted on this page, is convinced it's the beginning of a deliberate collapse designed to inflict so much suffering that people will beg for a new system.
    Loved his Bug Wendal role in Gridiron Gang and he certainly excelled with
    " Party Up" for Starstruck

  25. #50

    Re: Global debt hits all-time high of $184,000,000,000,000

    Donald Trump's remarks certainly made an impact; U.S. stock markets are up today by 2.8% and crude oil is plus a whopping 8.5%!

    I can only foresee sunshine and roses ahead for the global economy during 2019.

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