Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
I’m not anti cyclist, I use a bike myself occasionally, and it’s only when you’re on a bike that you fully appreciate how many complete arse holes there are in cars. Angry, red faced, aggressive, selfish lunatics, and that’s just the women.

But you’re so right about the cyclists. Not using lights in the dark, kids doing wheelies four abreast up the middle of a busy road, grown men cycling on the pavement, expecting pedestrians to move out of thier way, even expecting vehicles to stop at zebra crossings for them. But I’d say unlike car drivers it’s the tiny minority that give the rest a bad name.
No problem with responsible cyclists, riding single file, lights, hi viz etc, there’s loads of them and fair play to them but it’s these idiots who are more less playing chicken or Russian roulette with their lives, don’t they realise that a person who takes his eye off the ball in a couple of ton of metal on wheels is going to do them a lot of damage?