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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #4001

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I never thought I would see you having a go at Catholic school kids without first finding out all the facts. What happened, did CNN push all your buttons?
    Yaaaaaaaawwnnnnn cnn pause breath cnn yaaaaaaewwnnn

  2. #4002

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  3. #4003
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post

    It's been a bad week for CNN, but they care so little of what they peddle out as news, if their audience figures get any lower it will be left to the couple of viewers on ccmb as their audience

  4. #4004

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    It's been a bad week for CNN, but they care so little of what they peddle out as news, if their audience figures get any lower it will be left to the couple of viewers on ccmb as their audience
    I've seen a video of the whole thing, and there was a 3rd group involved who nobody is talking about. They were baiting the kids before the drum man showed up and stuck his drum in that kids face. The Catholic schoolchildren were waiting on the steps, because that was the prearranged pickup point for their school bus.

  5. #4005
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I've seen a video of the whole thing, and there was a 3rd group involved who nobody is talking about. They were baiting the kids before the drum man showed up and stuck his drum in that kids face. The Catholic schoolchildren were waiting on the steps, because that was the prearranged pickup point for their school bus.
    Usual suspects have had a mare here, backfiring big time more than the buzzfeed hatchet job, DS using children to further their agenda a big own goal. CELEBS deleting their tweets are plentiful.

  6. #4006
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Usual suspects have had a mare here, backfiring big time more than the buzzfeed hatchet job, DS using children to further their agenda a big own goal. CELEBS deleting their tweets are plentiful.
    Oh dear

  7. #4007

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Yeah fair enough there was more to it then initially reported (was going through twitter not CNN though)

    Some of the comments of the parents reported on twitter have been rather out of order although not being a parent I guess I haven’t got that parental protection thing.

    Ah well I will admit that I should have viewed the other videos before making comment.

    Like the Catholic boys are taught to err is human to forgive divine.....😂

  8. #4008
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Oh dear


    To be fair he has a face you want to punch

  9. #4009

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post


    To be fair he has a face you want to punch
    That he does.
    To be honest reading the Twitter reports some exonerate, some accuse them.....
    I’m going to do a Wales Bales and sit on the fence.

    Or more to the point move on, build my business instead of wasting time on social media as I’ve suddenly realised the futility of it.....

  10. #4010

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    That he does.
    To be honest reading the Twitter reports some exonerate, some accuse them.....
    I’m going to do a Wales Bales and sit on the fence.

    Or more to the point move on, build my business instead of wasting time on social media as I’ve suddenly realised the futility of it.....
    I wish Trump would screw up so I can get off the fence, but all I see are agendas. Regarding information sources, you have to view each piece of information critically. If you only regurgitate BuzzFeed, CNN, New York Times, etc., you will just end up like lardy. These people are not journalists, they are narrative engineers. I'm not saying they don't exist on both sides, but be aware of who they are, and always view source documents when they are available.

  11. #4011

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    BTW the drum man above who the media claimed was a Vietnam Veteran has never been to Vietnam, nor was he a "recon ranger". The Washington Post and New York Times have since issued corrections regarding their reporting.

  12. #4012
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I said it was reported, the kind of thing that has appeared many times in this thread, yourself included.

    Interesting that Mueller's statement was only that specific parts are not accurate, which is what you'd expect in the majority of cases with this kind of story, don't you think? I wonder which the accurate parts are.

    I bet Mueller is mainly annoyed at the idea his team might be leaking information. Makes the idea of this being a witch hunt less likely though - all the trump fanboys are suddenly big fans of Mueller...
    What will happen first , Trump impeachment or Brexit decision ,I've been waiting ,and calling for both for ages now.

  13. #4013

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Roger Stone has finally been arrested...

  14. #4014

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What will happen first , Trump impeachment or Brexit decision ,I've been waiting ,and calling for both for ages now.
    Well, Roger Stone's just been arrested on seven Mueller enquiry charges.

  15. #4015

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    What will happen first , Trump impeachment or Brexit decision ,I've been waiting ,and calling for both for ages now.
    lardy will be along shortly with just the facts as he "prefers to deal with facts", except for the fake news stories he was pushing last week where the editors had to come out and retract their articles.

  16. #4016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Well, Roger Stone's just been arrested on seven Mueller enquiry charges.
    And arrested by unpaid FBI agents because of the Trump Shutdown. So that didn't work for him.

  17. #4017

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    I actually feel a bit sorry for you Gluey, as you're taking a leathering on the main board, so I'll help you out with Manafort thing. You're so excited, bless, but I did tell you to read the link again.

    I said:

    "It seems that Manafort was passing on election data to the Russians during the campaign."

    The correction you posted said:

    "A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data. Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin."

    I've put the important bit in bold for you.

  18. #4018

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    And arrested by unpaid FBI agents because of the Trump Shutdown. So that didn't work for him.
    At the end of an awful week, just a very, very thin sliver of light - Stone's a right slime ball.stone.jpg

  19. #4019

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I actually feel a bit sorry for you Gluey, as you're taking a leathering on the main board, so I'll help you out with Manafort thing. You're so excited, bless, but I did tell you to read the link again.

    I said:

    "It seems that Manafort was passing on election data to the Russians during the campaign."

    The correction you posted said:

    "A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data. Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin."

    I've put the important bit in bold for you.
    I'm sure you'll get up to speed eventually, as soon as you are able to work out who everybody is.

  20. #4020

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Looks like Trump is going to end his shutdown having achieved none of his objectives

    Art of the deal.

  21. #4021

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Is this a Best Hair competition? I vote for the grey-haired gentleman on the right of the picture!

  22. #4022
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    36 hour rule.
    I wonder when we will get an indictment that actually deals with wussian collusion ?
    another indictment if you read it has jack shit to do with collusion, another individual to bankrupt because he one used Trumps Karsi. a process crime, if lying to the FBI is a serious crime then the USA needs more cells.

  23. #4023

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    36 hour rule.
    I wonder when we will get an indictment that actually deals with wussian collusion ?
    another indictment if you read it has jack shit to do with collusion, another individual to bankrupt because he one used Trumps Karsi. a process crime, if lying to the FBI is a serious crime then the USA needs more cells.
    Due of the nature of the secret triple-hop FISA warrants that were issued against members of the Trump election campaign team, they have the communications data of everybody, so it would be a fairly trivial task to construct a process crime against anybody they choose.

  24. #4024

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Looks like Trump is going to end his shutdown having achieved none of his objectives

    Art of the deal.

  25. #4025
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So no collusion then ?

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