Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I have some sympathy with your views on the overall reaction to the Emiliano Sala story. Tragic although it is, some of the stuff I've read on this and other message boards this week has been laughable, cringeworthy and downright embarrassing. However, I think you've got this one wrong.

Neil Warnock has been showing the strain in recent weeks. He said during one of his press conferences that he believed this would probably be his last January transfer window and the Sala situation will only have strengthened that belief. I have it on good authority (my partner, who was on the same flight) that Warnock was at Cardiff Airport last Friday to meet Sala when he arrived for his medical. I also think I'm right in saying the the manager flew directly to Nantes with Mehmet Dalman a couple of weeks ago to watch Sala in action, and I've got little doubt he was either on the same plane or a very similar one.

Those things have got to be playing on his mind. Warnock has always been a hands-on type of manager where his players are concerned, so I'm sure this tragedy has hit him very hard. He must be thinking over and over again how he and the club could have done things differently. He'll know far more about the situation than you or I. It'll be a terrible time for him and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he brought forward his retirement, which I'm sure is inevitable in a few months anyway.
Fair enough. When you put it like that then I understand where Warnock might be coming from.

I just hope NW doesn’t feel personally guilty because all he is guilty of is trying to bring him to CCFC to improve a football team.

I’m probably a little cold to it all because I just can’t get my head around the over reaction by some on here, and Twitter, who are behaving like they’ve lost a child, sibling or parent when in reality it’s a stranger who they hadn’t even heard of a month ago.

If that makes me a sociopath then so be it