Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
There are two sides to this tradegy, the human side and the factual side of what happened, and there is going to be some overlap. All of those connected with the club have a lot of juggling to do, they need to grieve, but they also have to respond to the latest news as the world is watching. Tan and Co announced possible legal action, and yesterday Warnock revealed he had previously flown with the pilot. This is how events become intertwined, but it is up to the posters to be civil with each other.

Unifornately it will never happen as this kind of behaviour has been going on for ages. It seems that people form groups, ignore what another person has to say, and then verbally attack them. It's really pathetic that it has all come down to this.
I think that's true, it's just more noticeable at times like these.