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Thread: Brexit thread

  1. #251
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    John Humphries said it the other day in the most condescending arsehole type of way imaginable.
    I did think it would get a bite ,he is off that type ,he's an agnostic, Adamsdown boy isn't he ?

  2. #252

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I did think it would get a bite ,he is off that type ,he's an agnostic, Adamsdown boy isn't he ?
    Splott. Much to my shame.

    He’s like the angry gammon hour on today on radio 4

  3. #253
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Splott. Much to my shame.

    He’s like the angry gammon hour on today on radio 4
    You old Splott ?

    (Fathers side) outta Bridgend Street, my 1st home 112 Moorland Road. bought at £16,250

  4. #254

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    You old Splott ?

    (Fathers side) outta Bridgend Street, my 1st home 112 Moorland Road. bought at £16,250
    Sort of ‘ a street not far from Moorland park which wasn’t demolished 😊

  5. #255
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Sort of ‘ a street not far from Moorland park which wasn’t demolished 😊
    How did Splott vote in the Brexit vote ,all want to remain😲

  6. #256

    Re: Brexit thread

    So if I’ve got this right today May tells her party to vote against deal she proposed?

    Whether leave or remain this is a national ****ing embarrassment

  7. #257

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    So if I’ve got this right today May tells her party to vote against deal she proposed?

    Whether leave or remain this is a national ****ing embarrassment
    No she asked them to support an amendment to the deal she proposed.

  8. #258
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    No she asked them to support an amendment to the deal she proposed.
    That's how I read it ,loved the bit when JC said article 50 would have to be extended , because of the vast of amounts of legislation and amendments of which Labour has played a heavy part of to actual create the very reason of delaying everything , clever stuff .

    Yvette Cooper did well today however its a high risk strategy as her seat is for Brexit , and a lot of Labour voters may not take her strategy amendment very well ,is she now the proxy Labour leader ??

  9. #259
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    That's how I read it ,loved the bit when JC said article 50 would have to be extended , because of the vast of amounts of legislation and amendments of which Labour has played a heavy part of to actual create the very reason of delaying everything , clever stuff .

    Yvette Cooper did well today however its a high risk strategy as her seat is for Brexit , and a lot of Labour voters may not take her strategy amendment very well ,is she now the proxy Labour leader ??
    She didn't do that well, her amendment got defeated!!!

  10. #260

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    She didn't do that well, her amendment got defeated!!!
    Wait for the pivot, it's coming

  11. #261
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Wait for the pivot, it's coming
    Na, they are still sulking over their jailed MP can you hear the silence ?

  12. #262

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Na, they are still sulking over their jailed MP can you hear the silence ?
    I meant a pivot from May. She is heading back to Brussels who have said the best deal is already on the table. I'll eat my hat if it is

  13. #263
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    She didn't do that well, her amendment got defeated!!!
    Yes suprised at that , May blinked and won ,she's made of stern stuff .

    I'd like to see Cooper as Labour leader, she got something about her ,she ties May up knots ,and used too when they were opposites , as Home Secretaries.

  14. #264

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Yes suprised at that , May blinked and won ,she's made of stern stuff .

    I'd like to see Cooper as Labour leader, she got something about her ,she ties May up knots ,and used too when they were opposites , as Home Secretaries.
    May's ability to stand calm and still isn't such a good thing if it means the DUP and ERG take control and screw up the union though. She's been let down badly by her party, up until this point, and has continued on yes, but we're now more likely to crash out (EU's position on backstop is fixed, May finally has a majority but it's saying remove the backstop, and there is some piffly request to avoid no-deal) and presumably end up with Michael f'ing Gove as PM.

    Article 50 should happen now that May has a majority in Westminster backing her deal and next step is negotiating with EU. Enacting it before this point was in part what lead to this mess and MPs rejecting extending it tonight appears on the surface to be reinforcing that mistake.

    At least we have the good result(s) in the football to distract ourselves.....

  15. #265

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'd like to see Cooper as Labour leader, she got something about her.
    She's got Balls

  16. #266

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You had no option other than to give up, as you were digging yourself into an increasingly deeper hole. Tip: next time avoid being on the same side as Michael Avenatti
    Tiresome, puerile crap from you, as usual. Precisely why I have no desire to respond to any of your comments on here regarding any matter.

  17. #267

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Tiresome, puerile crap from you, as usual. Precisely why I have no desire to respond to any of your comments on here regarding any matter.
    Avenatti certainly had a very quick fall from grace. Is he still running for president?

  18. #268

    Re: Brexit thread

    Do I win a prize if the current EU deal is not the only deal after all? It would mean a hard Brexit if they stick to their word, so surely they have something planned for May to save the day?

  19. #269

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Na, they are still sulking over their jailed MP can you hear the silence ?
    Nah as a Labour voter she got what she deserved. No sympathy from me, three points and a hundred pound fine and the silly bitch dies that???

  20. #270

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Nah as a Labour voter she got what she deserved. No sympathy from me, three points and a hundred pound fine and the silly bitch dies that???
    Agreed, you try to defend your side against what you consider to be unfair criticism, but what she did is on another level to party politics and she proved herself to be unfit for the job while also offering a justification for the way many feel about modern day MPs.

    As for Theresa May's "triumph", surely, given their deep divisions over Brexit, it's just yet another case of Conservatives putting the need of the party over the need of the country? It may work, but it seems typically arrogant that they, and the group from Northern Ireland who are going against the way their country voted, appear to believe that a vote against the backstop means that all of the previous problems have, somehow, disappeared.

  21. #271

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Do I win a prize if the current EU deal is not the only deal after all? It would mean a hard Brexit if they stick to their word, so surely they have something planned for May to save the day?
    Brexit: EU 'united' on deal as Theresa May asks for talks


  22. #272

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    She's got (Ed) Balls
    It looks like she played a blinder last night.

  23. #273

    Re: Brexit thread

    Certain irony by right wing Brexiter supporters when it comes to big business.
    When they want to curb union power, restrict workers pay rises, working conditions and such forth they’re seen as champions of industry and experts.

    Yet when big businesses question the Brexit proposals and counter with the problems of a no deal Brexit they’re roundly shouted down with cries of ‘fake news’

    Strange days indeed as John Lennon sang.

  24. #274

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Certain irony by right wing Brexiter supporters when it comes to big business.
    When they want to curb union power, restrict workers pay rises, working conditions and such forth they’re seen as champions of industry and experts.

    Yet when big businesses question the Brexit proposals and counter with the problems of a no deal Brexit they’re roundly shouted down with cries of ‘fake news’

    Strange days indeed as John Lennon sang.
    It's the carrot and the stick though isn't it. Reading that BBC report above they immediately brought the stick into view. Expect a month of project fear until the fix is in, which will be a slightly improved deal that won't be a clean break. I am predicting that there will be a backdoor mechanism in place, that allows us to rejoin the EU at some point in the future. So the choice is now between a hard Brexit or May's new deal.


    [I]The EU is "united" over the negotiated Brexit deal, the bloc's chief negotiator Michel Barnier says, after the UK PM said she wants to reopen it.

    Theresa May is expected to continue talks with the EU after MPs backed a plan to renegotiate her Brexit deal.

    MPs voted 317 to 301 in favour of changing the backstop plan - the bit of the deal designed to avoid the return of Northern Ireland border checks.

    But Mr Barnier said the EU stood by the existing withdrawal agreement.

    "The EU institutions remain united and we stand by the agreement we have negotiated with the UK," he said.

    Meanwhile, employers' group the CBI said businesses were likely to accelerate their plans for a no-deal Brexit.

    Carolyn Fairbairn, head of the CBI, said: "I don't think there will be a single business this morning who is stopping or halting their no-deal planning as a result of what happened yesterday.

    "The amendment feels like a real throw of the dice."

  25. #275
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Brexit: EU 'united' on deal as Theresa May asks for talks

    Its all a big internal game, and all confirmed yesterday with the contrived amendments that were defeated those accepted ,in my humble view they have been privately talking in parliament and pretending not too, to say face in the eyes of their voters .

    Neither side wanted the blame for :

    Crashing out pain
    Northern Ireland
    Second Referendum
    Letting down 17 million who voted to leave .

    What we have now is half hearted amendments , one where we won't crash out ?? which is a meaningless amendment, that can't be imposed, as they all voted to leave on the 29th, yes parliament voted for that, as they wanted to avoid public backlash and loss of votes .

    The other amendment pretends to force May back to Brussels to get rid of the back stop , they all know they cant get that , poor woman has known this for years , as has the opposition , so shame on them for saying its taken 2 years to get to this point ,well its taking two years every politicians life to get to this "kicking the can" down the road point, and still they apply amendment after amendment, vote after vote , just to delay the bloody thing .

    The self righteous who say we should have the threat of no deal removed , are not consistent in though or view , in what world do you remove the biggest threat or weapon you have to another side in any deal , most Labour MP's have strong imposing trade union friends and principles who use that very tactic of "no deal or agreement" or we strike .

    This is all about votes , perception , power ,and that's all of them .

    Brexit beyond party politics be buggered .

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