Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
That’s not how I interpret his intentions at all - but we’re all different I guess. I do however find your apparent (and persistent) need to focus on the ‘who might be to blame’ element of this very sad situation a little nauseous.

Appreciate you may feel the need to want to stimulate that debate and maybe more fool me for reading the thread (but that’s why I come on here, so not reading it would be counter intuitive) but what exactly are your motives? You seem to have some unfortunate fascination which I personally find distasteful.
Whatever the topic, there is absolutely no reason to turn a thread into a personal attack on a contribtributor, by making snidey remarks that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. I have been respectful in my postings, and I have tried to keep to the facts without making any wild speculation, as have many others.

This has been the top news story worldwide for a number of weeks, and many details about the flight are already in the public domain. Millions of people want to know what happened as they try to understand what went wrong during this senseless tradegy.

It is my opinion that this flight should never have taken place at night during the middle of winter, and just to correct your statement, I don't view events as ‘who might be to blame’, but rather as ‘what might be to blame’.