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Thread: So you want to stay in the EU?

  1. #51

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    You forgot the overcrowding bit, so much so that they are even sleeping in tents on the streets.
    I don't know if you're a WUM or whether you truly believe that overcrowding is the reason for homelessness.
    There are many factors in homelessness and overcrowding probably isn't up there.
    How about getting:
    decent quality affordable housing
    Better mental health services
    Better addiction services
    Better support services for ex-military
    Better support services for abused people

  2. #52

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    I never said any different, its shocking the way Labour and the Conservatives treat certain sections of our community.

  3. #53

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    You forgot the overcrowding bit, so much so that they are even sleeping in tents on the streets.
    You really think people are sleeping rough on the streets because of overcrowding? Just to make sure I understand you, can I check a few details in relation to this -

    People are sleeping rough because of overcrowding.

    Overcrowding means there are no properties available, otherwise people would be living in them.

    Therefore, the next step has to be to say that these people have the financial means to be able to live in properties but cannot because there are none available.

    So people are sleeping rough, despite having the means and jobs to be able to afford to buy/rent a property, but cannot because there are none available.

    So people are sleeping rough, despite having the means and jobs to be able to afford to buy/rent a property a distance away where there are likely to be plenty available, but choose not to in order to save commuting.

    So people are sleeping rough, despite having the means and jobs to be able to afford to buy/rent a property, but choose to sleep in tents and go to work in dirty clothes having not washed etc.

    Whichever way you look at it, your comment is utter nonsense.

  4. #54

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    People are sleeping rough for a range of reasons because of successive UK Government policies.

  5. #55

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    People are sleeping rough because of UK Government policy.
    I agree with this, though a friend of mine does some work with homeless people in Cardiff. He reckons there's enough space to give them shelter, just that many feel safer on the streets than in shelters. He reckons most of them avoid the Huggard Centre (as one example) because of fears for their own safety.

    Solving the causes of homelessness should be a bigger priority than trying to provide for people who are homeless. As rs3100 rightly points out in his list, there are a number of causes. Reducing wealth inequality would certainly help as well.

  6. #56

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Are you thinking that the UK would not be able to monitor its own deplorables, or will not be able to monitor any deplorables over the water? I would guess that MI5/MI6 are some of the most revered intelligence experts in the world, and that capability of GCHQ is second to none, they and it were good enough to monitor the other mad Donald.
    It's about intelligence sharing. The intelligence won't be shared with us. Of course, whilst not wanting to denegrate the security services, they failed to monitor the purpetrators of the Westminster attack, the London Bridge attack and the 7/7 bombings. Intelligence gathering and minitoring of suspects requires a collaborative approach, and to cut off one of the best supplies of intelliegnce is not helpfull.

  7. #57

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    How do the USA access this information? We are on the system as them. Are the EU going to stop cooperating with the 5i's? It sounds bizarre that they would do that.
    They have an Intelligence Sharing agreement. We don't.

  8. #58

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
    Typical remainers spouting info that is not true, lets carry on letting criminals and terrorists into this country, and tell everyone that it is going to be a disaster when we come out, we voted by a majority to come out, all you remainers get over it, bunch of sore losers who are throwing their toys out of their prams!
    You ask the question, and then don't want to listen to the answers?

  9. #59

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Its bit of kilter from the anti Israel, jewish American,Tory, middle ingerlund posts , you see from the usual suspects. ��
    You seem to have a habit of replying to my posts and referring to the predilections, prejudices and utterings of other posters. Not that I mind, of course

    May you have a thousand offspring.

  10. #60

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Congress in the USA has 535 members, 100 in the Senate and 435 Representatives. There's over 1,000 more lawmakers here, 650 MPs and over 900 in the Lords. Why Britain requires so many to govern a population one-fifth that of the USA is anyone's guess.

    Concerning intelligence agencies, I often wonder why they never theorise over just why it is that ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda, etc, never launch attacks against our Israeli friends. According to a former Israel defence minister, ISIS did mistakenly attack their forces once in the Golan Heights... and then apologised for doing so.

    Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former commander: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...-a7700616.html

  11. #61

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Monk View Post
    It's about intelligence sharing. The intelligence won't be shared with us. Of course, whilst not wanting to denegrate the security services, they failed to monitor the purpetrators of the Westminster attack, the London Bridge attack and the 7/7 bombings. Intelligence gathering and minitoring of suspects requires a collaborative approach, and to cut off one of the best supplies of intelliegnce is not helpfull.
    The American secret services unfortunately must have failed on the 911 attacks and that was about 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured.

    Certain things you can share but other things perhaps not, the British and Pearl Harbor, did the British win the war because it happened or was it a conspiracy theory that we knew ?, I don't do conspiracy theories but I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if we did know, we just like other countries have to look out for ourselves, from the outside it seems like we trust the Americans far too much, unless we are good at playing the game and let them and everyone else think that, lol.

  12. #62

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Congress in the USA has 535 members, 100 in the Senate and 435 Representatives. There's over 1,000 more lawmakers here, 650 MPs and over 900 in the Lords. Why Britain requires so many to govern a population one-fifth that of the USA is anyone's guess.

    Concerning intelligence agencies, I often wonder why they never theorise over just why it is that ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda, etc, never launch attacks against our Israeli friends. According to a former Israel defence minister, ISIS did mistakenly attack their forces once in the Golan Heights... and then apologised for doing so.

    Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former commander: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...-a7700616.html
    Its just not Israel its America and the English led UK Government that seem to be on ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda side.

  13. #63

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    The American secret services unfortunately must have failed on the 911 attacks and that was about 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured.

    Certain things you can share but other things perhaps not, the British and Pearl Harbor, did the British win the war because it happened or was it a conspiracy theory that we knew ?, I don't do conspiracy theories but I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if we did know, we just like other countries have to look out for ourselves, from the outside it seems like we trust the Americans far too much, unless we are good at playing the game and let them and everyone else think that, lol.
    The America feeds the UK intelligence too. During the Falklands War they were helping us behind the scenes whilst conveying a more neutral stance on the world stage.

  14. #64

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Its just not Israel its America and the English led UK Government that seem to be on ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda side.
    No surprises there then.

  15. #65

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    No surprises there then.
    When they had a vote in Parliament about going to war in Syria, the Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish mps literally on mass voted against boots on the ground, the English mps voted for war, for once the Celtic mps just managed to win the day, usually that is not the case due to weight of numbers, the English press did not report it in that light.

  16. #66

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    When they had a vote in Parliament about going to war in Syria, the Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish mps literally on mass voted against boots on the ground, the English mps voted for war, for once the Celtic mps just managed to win the day, usually that is not the case due to weight of numbers, the English press did not report it in that light.
    Wasn't it the case that almost a third of Welsh MPs voted with the government? Something like 15 out of 37? Hardly a landslide.

  17. #67

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Wasn't it the case that almost a third of Welsh MPs voted with the government? Something like 15 out of 37? Hardly a landslide.
    Scotland - 49 against war and 7 for war.
    Wales - 31 against war and 7 for war [ 2 abstained].
    NI - 10 against war and 0 for war.
    England - only 195 against war and a whopping 258 for war.

    Result 285-272 against the war, there were 3 Lib-Dem mps in Wales in coalition with Cameron and not one voted for him and war, one even voted against him, even a Conservative mp in Wales voted against war, he didn't abstain he voted against, in Scotland there is only one Tory mp and he voted against war, not abstained but voted against (100% of Tory mps in Scotland vote against the war hey), all the SNP and all Plaid mps voted against war, even the DUP voted against war, some abstained and some voted against.

  18. #68

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Scotland - 49 against war and 7 for war.
    Wales - 31 against war and 7 for war [ 2 abstained].
    NI - 10 against war and 0 for war.
    England - only 195 against war and a whopping 258 for war.

    Result 285-272 against the war, there were 3 Lib-Dem mps in Wales in coalition with Cameron and not one voted for him and war, one even voted against him, even a Conservative mp in Wales voted against war, he didn't abstain he voted against, in Scotland there is only one Tory mp and he voted against war, not abstained but voted against (100% of Tory mps in Scotland vote against the war hey), all the SNP and all Plaid mps voted against war, even the DUP voted against war, some abstained and some voted against.
    Am I missing something (quite possible!) as it states here that 15 Welsh MPs voted in favour of the government? Apols if I'm on the wrong horse. Rushing about, you know

  19. #69

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Am I missing something (quite possible!) as it states here that 15 Welsh MPs voted in favour of the government? Apols if I'm on the wrong horse. Rushing about, you know
    Aug 2013 vote in the HoC Cameron failed to persuade the House to intervene in Syria.

  20. #70

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    So who wants to remain in the EU then?

  21. #71
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    Mar 2016

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That outburst was very unfair on Donald Tusk's part, surely endlessly parroting "take back control" and "project fear" constitutes a well thought out plan?
    The outburst was pathetic , and child like , this type of soundbite has littered this deal ,it simply feeds the leave campaign , its very belittling ,if a second vote was allowed or ever happened it woudl fuel those leave vote upwards

  22. #72

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The outburst was pathetic , and child like , this type of soundbite has littered this deal ,it simply feeds the leave campaign , its very belittling ,if a second vote was allowed or ever happened it woudl fuel those leave vote upwards
    The reporting of the quote was childlike and pathetic. Tusk's (full) quote spoke of many people's frustration with this shambolic process that has no real end in sight. The Tory press continue to report the EU as the enemy and you (and the OP) seem to buy it. It's dispiriting to see.

  23. #73

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The outburst was pathetic , and child like , this type of soundbite has littered this deal ,it simply feeds the leave campaign , its very belittling ,if a second vote was allowed or ever happened it woudl fuel those leave vote upwards
    He's right though isn't he? Politicians campaigning for something should have some idea how they would go about implementing it. Do you disagree with that?

  24. #74
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Monk View Post
    It's about intelligence sharing. The intelligence won't be shared with us. Of course, whilst not wanting to denegrate the security services, they failed to monitor the purpetrators of the Westminster attack, the London Bridge attack and the 7/7 bombings. Intelligence gathering and minitoring of suspects requires a collaborative approach, and to cut off one of the best supplies of intelliegnce is not helpfull.
    If its a dick waving contest, the brigade across the channel has failed in, France, Belgium, Germany, as a starter for 10, I,m not sure who wants to cut the collaborative approach, is it a policy of the UK to cut collaboration post Brexit ?. Totally agree that a collaborative approach if abandoned is not a good thing.

  25. #75

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    The reporting of the quote was childlike and pathetic. Tusk's (full) quote spoke of many people's frustration with this shambolic process that has no real end in sight. The Tory press continue to report the EU as the enemy and you (and the OP) seem to buy it. It's dispiriting to see.
    Well said.

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