Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
Unfortunately, it's unlikely to ever happen as a majority of UK citizens probably want a monarchy and number of others are disinterested.

Personally , I think it should be privatised, as it apparently generates profits from tourism and other vague works they put in and if that is the case and the justification for it's existence, make it a private entity that lives or dies by it's ability to generate it's own profits. It is and should be treated like a Disneyland type attraction and should have no institutional powers (which is just barmy). They should also pay taxes (like every other profit-making enterprise)to the state, not the other way around. It's mad that people complain about sponging foreigners when these people are the biggest, most audacious leaches of them all.

Short of that, we can also hope that further powers for managing taxes are devolved to The Senedd. At least that way we might have the freedom to avoid paying taxes to London for silly things like the monarchy. It'd be interesting to see how much of an economic boost the Royals have on Wales. I suspect we'd be better off without them.
It doesn't though.

There is no economic benefit to Wales or the rest of the UK for that matter.

A lot of the "myths" surrounding this are debunked within the web page shwon.