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Thread: Brexit thread

  1. #301
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Brexit thread

    Obviously so much in the news, been having a rethink about this, I’ve kind of always maintained that the original vote should prevail and that if the vote wasn’t carried out, then democracy had ended, over the past few days I have had a change of mind regarding a 2nd vote, I’d still not vote and just accept whatever the result. Anyway, the 1st thing IMO is that an extension should be requested from the EU say 6 months minimum.

    Month 1, three groups set-up 1 for, 1 against, 1 arbitrary.

    Month 2, each group to set out their argument but bland statements e.g. it will cost1,000’s of jobs, 30 billion to NHS etc. etc. unless with documented and legal evidence not permitted.

    Month 3, each group to set-out their rebuttal, again no bland statements without documented and legal back-up.

    Month 4, each argument posted by the arbiter on a government web-site for the people the read and evaluate. Also a form for general public to request a seat at a live TV debate. A question time type of thing but not hosted by BBC or ITV.

    Month 5, live TV debate hosted by the arbiter.

    Month 6, (early month) election, (late month) and based on results, and with no ifs or buts inform EU of remain or leave.

    Because of the demonization of those who have never seen any rewards of the EU, and lets not pretend that people don’t think of the dosh wallop, I still think that there would not be any change of result, too many people have been branded with an ist of one sort or another by some who have done fine and dandy within the EU.

    It’s been lies from both sides from the off, after two years of almost nothing else in the British news I tend to think that the people will have taken more of an interest in what is a pretty important direction to take, if remain take it this time, then of course the country will be more divided that it is currently, the remain campaign fked this up royally by going toe to toe with lies and focussing on the leaver lies, if their campaign just totally focussed on the positives of the EU I think they would have taken the vote with plenty to spare. If nothing changes and the UK leaves there may well be a bit of civil unrest, the best deal I can think of is Robbie Box's
    Big Deal. Whatever happens on March 29th I’ll be in Australia having a drop of the Amber Nectar. with a few weeks left of a two year process, the current government has excelled in incompetence, but i suspect it was planned this way for the outcome that is being pursued.

  2. #302

    Re: Brexit thread

    He’s right too, looking forward to the outraged right wing press spin on this.

  3. #303

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    He’s right too, looking forward to the outraged right wing press spin on this.
    Maybe Farage could have proved him wrong by suggesting a plan instead of crying into his pint but he won't because what Tusk said is essentially true.

    Although they have all made a plan for their own money and future.

  4. #304

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Maybe Farage could have proved him wrong by suggesting a plan instead of crying into his pint but he won't because what Tusk said is essentially true.

    Although they have all made a plan for their own money and future.
    It’s my point all along. Bullshit rhetoric and soundbites but no ****ing logic or plan.

    I was reading on the Twitter page of Dr Rachel Clarke who pointed out a few of Farage’s lies a few month back. She was talking about a woman who’s scared of a no deal Brexit due to the medication she’s on and the anxiety and fear it’s causing her.

    Imagine going through that and for what exactly is going to be this sunlit uplands.

    So **** them each and everyone of those bullshitters like Rees Mogg, Farage, Johnson Davis etc

  5. #305
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit thread

    Some positive no deal Brexit news ::

    '"Wetherspoon's boss pledges to cut beer prices if we crash out .""

    The man is a god.

  6. #306

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Some positive no deal Brexit news ::

    '"Wetherspoon's boss pledges to cut beer prices if we crash out .""

    The man is a god.
    You couldn’t pay me to enter one of those shit holes

  7. #307
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    You couldn’t pay me to enter one of those shit holes
    You'd be suprised how many socialist , do enter thy kingdom of the right wing prophet

  8. #308

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You'd be suprised how many socialist , do enter thy kingdom of the right wing prophet
    Well they can have shite beer in dank premises all they like.

    Never liked them, on hearing the views of that scruffy bullshitter who owns them gives me a double incentive to avoid them

  9. #309
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Well they can have shite beer in dank premises all they like.

    Never liked them, on hearing the views of that scruffy bullshitter who owns them gives me a double incentive to avoid them
    Trouble is he sells shipyard beer at 2.99 , its ten dollars in New York City , 5 quid in other Uk posh end pubs, all run, probably by another evil capitalist pig ,so I find it like a therapy retail moment ,knowing I'm saving bucks, via a cheaper evil type of capitalist pig , its that or drink meths from B&Q ,which thinking on ,is probaly run by another right wing evil plotter.

    I think it's time to leave .

  10. #310
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Trouble is he sells shipyard beer at 2.99 , its ten dollars in New York City , 5 quid in other Uk posh end pubs, all run, probably by another evil capitalist pig ,so I find it like a therapy retail moment ,knowing I'm saving bucks, via a cheaper evil type of capitalist pig , its that or drink meths from B&Q ,which thinking on ,is probaly run by another right wing evil plotter.

    I think it's time to leave .
    He's got the cities pretty well boxed off, I do try not to go into the spoons joints but sometimes when your busting for a piss, easy joints to mingle without it being obvious you just want to piss against his wall. being medium to large places easy for a meet etc. and a cheap bit of egg n chips.

  11. #311
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    He's got the cities pretty well boxed off, I do try not to go into the spoons joints but sometimes when your busting for a piss, easy joints to mingle without it being obvious you just want to piss against his wall. being medium to large places easy for a meet etc. and a cheap bit of egg n chips.
    To be fair the choices of specialty spirits is very impressive and so much cheaper , I know in westgate street you can get get hit for £9 quid for a high end double gin and tonic , and two doors down In the Gatekeeper get the same for £3.40 , equally you can buy a pint of Spanish lager for £5.40 and pay half that price in the Gatekeeper ,for all his obnoxiousness, is he not helping the poor and disadvantage

  12. #312

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    To be fair the choices of specialty spirits is very impressive and so much cheaper , I know in westgate street you can get get hit for £9 quid for a high end double gin and tonic , and two doors down In the Gatekeeper get the same for £3.40 , equally you can buy a pint of Spanish lager for £5.40 and pay half that price in the Gatekeeper ,for all his obnoxiousness, is he not helping the poor and disadvantage
    Yes after all the thing the poor and disadvantaged need most is cheaper booze in seedy hang outs.

  13. #313
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Yes after all the thing the poor and disadvantaged need most is cheaper booze in seedy hang outs.
    We've gotta go somewhere, as they won't let is in posh joints , because who we are .

    In Wetherspoon's you dont get judged , it's a safe crouch for the vulnerable , elderly and lonely, who feel they cannot just walk into a wine bar or posh theme pub , with handfuls of shopping nags , and yer wet wellies on ,just looking for cheap cup of tea , egg and chips , and a wee .

    I think you do Wetherspoon's a disservice, there are some in society that are very lonely or elderly , who find thier pubs as a safe comfatable haven .

  14. #314

    Re: Brexit thread

    5 Sundays to go and I'm still not sure what the Conservative party wants Brexit to be, what "group" in Westminster holds the majority or just how much legislation needs to be passed before any Brexit deal passes through. We were so ignorant about what Brexit would mean when referendum was proposed, when it started, when result became known, when Article 50 was voted through - surely the only answer is to give us more time?

  15. #315
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    5 Sundays to go and I'm still not sure what the Conservative party wants Brexit to be, what "group" in Westminster holds the majority or just how much legislation needs to be passed before any Brexit deal passes through. We were so ignorant about what Brexit would mean when referendum was proposed, when it started, when result became known, when Article 50 was voted through - surely the only answer is to give us more time?
    Do you think the other parties know what they want?
    It seems not one consensus exists, in the UK or parliament ,its not just the Conservatives lacking a policy.

    Or this is the biggest bluff or poker game .

  16. #316

    Re: Brexit thread

    Can anyone honestly tell me they could trust any of these **** wits to come up with decent leave terms I'm afraid this government is going to put us back years

  17. #317

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieccfc View Post
    Can anyone honestly tell me they could trust any of these **** wits to come up with decent leave terms I'm afraid this government is going to put us back years
    What do you perceive as the dominant voice of the electorate regarding this matter as things stand?

  18. #318

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Do you think the other parties know what they want?
    It seems not one consensus exists, in the UK or parliament ,its not just the Conservatives lacking a policy.

    Or this is the biggest bluff or poker game .
    The other parties aren’t the government, the other parties didn’t propose the referendum.

    I know you like to share the blame and exonerate the Tories but it’s overwhelmingly largely on them.

  19. #319

    Re: Brexit thread

    A small number of Labour MPs are set to announce their departure from the party at a press conference to begin shortly citing Jeremy Corbyn's stance on Brexit and anti Semitism as the reasons.

  20. #320
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The other parties aren’t the government, the other parties didn’t propose the referendum.

    I know you like to share the blame and exonerate the Tories but it’s overwhelmingly largely on them.
    I dislike the Tories along with the best of them.

    Brexit is supposed to be non political , sitting on ones hands is not an option in these times , d I think the other control mechanism should be relaxed on this issue , and instead of playing political football, and realise that its also about the people wishes that the opposition is supposed to represent as well as hating the Tories .

    If The Tories are responsible for all this then 17.5 million agree with them as that was the out vote ,they only had 13,667,213 in the election so one might say an election would be a best fit .

    Strangely May's deal is a very soft remain Brexit agreed by Europe , so why not support it ,I'm guess i a lot of Labour would like too , ah maybe not as that would cost us in the next Election and defy the whip , its not just about one parties failures, and never has been ,I guess you know that anyway ??

  21. #321
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    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    A small number of Labour MPs are set to announce their departure from the party at a press conference to begin shortly citing Jeremy Corbyn's stance on Brexit and anti Semitism as the reasons.
    Didn't see that coming .

    I should imagine there's a lot of cheering going on in both parties.

  22. #322

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I dislike the Tories along with the best of them.

    Brexit is supposed to be non political , sitting on ones hands is not an option in these times , d I think the other control mechanism should be relaxed on this issue , and instead of playing political football, and realise that its also about the people wishes that the opposition is supposed to represent as well as hating the Tories .

    If The Tories are responsible for all this then 17.5 million agree with them as that was the out vote ,they only had 13,667,213 in the election so one might say an election would be a best fit .

    Strangely May's deal is a very soft remain Brexit agreed by Europe , so why not support it ,I'm guess i a lot of Labour would like too , ah maybe not as that would cost us in the next Election and defy the whip , its not just about one parties failures, and never has been ,I guess you know that anyway ??
    When you say non political, do you mean non partisan?

  23. #323

    Re: Brexit thread

    Looking forward to latest excuse why this has nothing to do with Brexit

  24. #324

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Looking forward to latest excuse why this has nothing to do with Brexit
    I'm currently subject to insider trading restrictions (& have been since July '18).

    Once those restrictions are lifted (sometime in May or June), I'm going to vent my frustration and comments on some of the things I've been party to.

  25. #325

    Re: Brexit thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    I'm currently subject to insider trading restrictions (& have been since July '18).

    Once those restrictions are lifted (sometime in May or June), I'm going to vent my frustration and comments on some of the things I've been party to.

    Looking forward to it Des. Was it your company that was being massively affected by Brexit? Hope things have managed to consolidate themselves

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