He claims Jack McKay 'helped broker' the Sala deal. Rubbish. Jack and Paul McKay may not be worth professional player contracts with Cardiff (and they are evidence I think of an unhealthy backscratching relationship with the McKay empire), but the twins are not agents. All Jack did was pass on to Emiliano Sala a free flight offer from his father/brother.

The references to Sol Bamba leaving Leeds - whatever agents were involved - are pathetic. Sol publicly criticised the Leeds owner at the time and was shown the door via the bench and the reserves. Garry Monk got some temporary brownie points for it, but I haven't seen any suggestion that Willie McKay engineered the situation to benefit Cardiff a year later!

Samuel is right in some of his claims, and I doubt our club would be questioning so many elements of the deal if the plane had landed safely in Cardiff that night - but he seems to wilfully ignore the way McKay has put his dishonesty and full role into the public domain since the tragedy. I think the club may have gone after too many targets - and invited hostile press coverage and comment as a result - but I'm glad they haven't ignored it.