Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
You’re missing the point every single time! They are punishing a British citizen with no trial. It’s not about her it’s about justice and the rule of law.

If they can do it to her they can do it to anyone, including you.
No CB I'm not missing the point ..... she is the subject in the OP, why would they revoke my citizenship? Or any other Law abiding citizen for that matter?

You can't tell me now because they have revoked her citizenship that they can & will revoke my neighbors citizenship because his dog shat on the sidewalk and he didn't pick it up

It is what it is ....... she made her bed she needs to sleep in it AND any other so called British citizen who left the UK to join the fight for Islamic state

Everything I have posted has been my personal opinion. I just don't see the need to Waste good taxpayers money on that oxygen Theif like that - I'm sorry but that's how I feel.

No disrespect aimed at you - have a good evening