Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
I'm not sure anything will happen to McKay. He's your typical agent, in the background, into everything. It's a dodgy profession in our game and he fits the bill.

Is he an aviation expert? Did he organise for that particular plane to be flown at that particular time? I'm not sure he's qualified to either make those decisions or be held accountable for them.
Willie McKay employed Dave Henderson to arrange the flights for Sala...Dave Henderson is regarded as an aviation expert & known to be closely linked to both Willie McKay & the aircraft used.
Dave Henderson was fully aware that David Ibbotson was only a PRIVATE PILOT with DAYLIGHT FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS so any inference from Henderson that he wasn't aware that David Ibbotson wasn't a commercial pilot is pure bullshit.

Dave Henderson is almost certainly culpable in all of this & he will be getting dissected by all the aviation investigation teams in what was known & what wasn't.

Getting back to the initial misidentity of the pilot has underlying issues..... I will throw this into the mix :
Dave Henderson is a commercial rated pilot with a night rating & IFR rating and quite current on the PA46 Malibu.
David Ibbotson was a private rated pilot with no night rating & no IFR rating and no currency on the PA46 Malibu.

One explanation for the misidentity is: A Flightplan in the name of Henderson might have been filed to allow IFR & Night flying as his licences permit that ( Ibbotson might have had copies of Hendersons licences to hoodwink the system ? ).

Henderson knows the truth and it will need to come out in the Aviation investigation, I would guess there will be quite a lot of bullshit with a small piece of facts in what Henderson will disclose or portray the incident as.

The facts are known that David Ibbotson was colourblind & restricted to day flight only, the main people with Sala's & Ibbotson's deaths on their hands are Willie McKay & Dave Henderson and I am confident that they both knew that Ibbotson was colourblind & restricted to day flight only.

Ultimately Ibbotson signed his & Sala's deaths off by making that flight but I am guessing it was something he was pressured into by McKay and Henderson.