Quote Originally Posted by Flyer46 View Post
StraightOuttaCanton, I am not backtracking at all from what I have factually stated & the AAIB report will say pretty much everything I have factually said ( The AAIB in an official capacity cannot apportion blame or liability, so they can't say these things as openly as I have )

I will stand by everything I have posted as being factual, I will also stand up & be counted if anything differs slightly from what I have posted. ( I am not expecting anything I have said to be seen as not 100% true once the report is published )

I posted that message at 0051hrs after having been 'ripped a new arsehole' by my boss over not showing much compassion towards the people left behind to pick up the pieces.
Dont take any notice of this posters comments or give him the time of day. I would guess that he is probably a journalist or something similar trying to wind us up and mislead us. See what he really thinks about us City fans and football fans in general by reading his posts on the 'Cardiff City are trying to hang me out to dry - Willie Mckay' separate thread.