Quote Originally Posted by Enoch Mort View Post
I see your point Clive but when I started watching they weren’t an issue in terms of rivalry. This is easily explainable. It’s because you are very old whereas I am just old.
Yes, I think it's us lot who are not quite as ancient as Clive (no offence Mr Slumdog!), but old enough to remember that long stretch when we never played them in the league (we played the jacks at Ninian Park a fortnight after I saw my first game in October 63 and then again eighteen months later when we beat them 5-0, but I was only allowed to go to matches accompanied by my dad in those days and he often worked on a Saturday) who are out of step with how City fans feel Rob. I didn't see us play Swansea in the league until I was nearly 24, some sixteen plus years after my first game, so I think it's impossible to see them as our fiercest rivals under circumstances like that.