Quote Originally Posted by Peajay View Post
Thanks again, everyone, back now after nearly three weeks (a couple of days in Singapore, and the remainder in jaw dropping Krabi).

Went to L33 which was great and also Lau Pa Sat, the rest will need to wait until our next trip. The real struggle with this is the non stop flight back from Singapore (at least on the outward, we were looking forward to hols). The near 15 hour flight was a real struggle and something I seemed to cope with far better as a youngster than I do now, I'm still knackered three days later and had some leg cramp to boot. Although that's what middle age brings, I know I am middle aged now as I really enjoyed walking the Botanical gardens in Singapore. The gardens by the bay were doubly impressive.
Unless you already have, please go to see a doctor about the leg cramp. It can be - not always of course - a symptom of thrombosis and that can kill you. A very good mate of mine holidayed in China for his retirement, had leg pains on his return, ignored them, and died shortly after.

I'm not trying to freak you out, it's probably fine. But if it is thrombosis it can be treated very easily. If you die, it can't.