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Thread: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

  1. #1

    I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Universal credit , forcing some single mums into prostitution , Dickensian benefit tests for the mentally ill

    I hate them and one day those that have voted them in will hit hand times and they themselves will be begging on the streets and their children will go hungry

    Too late to complain then you Tory bastards

    This lot are worse than thatcher

  2. #2

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Universal credit , forcing some single mums into prostitution , Dickensian benefit tests for the mentally ill

    I hate them and one day those that have voted them in will hit hand times and they themselves will be begging on the streets and their children will go hungry

    Too late to complain then you Tory bastards

    This lot are worse than thatcher
    It happened to me when my girlfriend left.

  3. #3

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Universal credit , forcing some single mums into prostitution , Dickensian benefit tests for the mentally ill

    I hate them and one day those that have voted them in will hit hand times and they themselves will be begging on the streets and their children will go hungry

    Too late to complain then you Tory bastards

    This lot are worse than thatcher
    C'mon, Sludgie FFS! For how long are you going to persist with this Tories are evil, Labour are lovely (or at least not nearly as so bad)? They are different wings of the same bird, a double act designed to fool the gullible to believe they are fundamentally different when they are identical and carry forward the same agenda. You had 13 years between 1997 to 2010 to catch on. Did they unpick anything they pretended to oppose from 1979 to 1997? Did they feck! The publicly owned railways and utility companies stayed in the mitts of their rich mates. They made no reforms to the vicious anti-trade union, kept flogging off social housing and singularly failed to build nearly enough new ones. They were as culpable as Thatcher was.

    In the unlikely event Labour will form a government again they'll retain Universal Credit, the draconian sickness tests and every aspect of the so-called gig economy of which insecure and exploitative zero-hour contracts are at its heart.

    It's the political class + multinationals + corporate media (none of which is independent or objective) versus everyone else.

    Knock the b'stard telly off! Seriously. When you suffer withdrawal symptoms, and you will because it's addictive, tune in to Max Keiser's show on RT which is on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for an insight into how the world really revolves. I guarantee within a month you'll have a different and for more accurate perspective.

  4. #4

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    I am far further to the left of labour Mr Morgan

  5. #5

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I am far further to the left of labour Mr Morgan
    There is no right and left, it's a fallacy. They always agree on the big things, and everything else is window dressing.

  6. #6

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Labour and the Tories are the same, they are both far right, its been like that for a third of a century.

  7. #7

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    I'm convinced Corbyn is Michael Foots love child. Both scruffy gypo type Labour fkrs who talk bollocks 😉

  8. #8

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Foot was different gravy to Corbyn.

  9. #9

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    The Tories are ***** and are sending people to an early grave , this lot are far worse than Thatcher , god help you if you get sick and need help from this government , it's full of ***** and anyone who voted Tory needs a good kicking , for one day they will have their hands out begging for help only to be told to feck off .......I will be here to tell you I told you so

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Not everyone on your page :

    Britain has bucked the global trend of falling levels of happiness and is one of the few countries where wellbeing improved over the past three years.

    Sits 15th in the world of happiness.

    Strong degrees of generosity towards charitable causes and an extensive system of welfare and social support were among the factors that helped Britain improve its factors in the world happiness report, which ranks 156 countries according to the happiness of their citizens. Lower levels of corruption also contributed.

  11. #11

    Re: I hate the Tories for what they have done to the vulnerable in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The Tories are ***** and are sending people to an early grave , this lot are far worse than Thatcher , god help you if you get sick and need help from this government , it's full of ***** and anyone who voted Tory needs a good kicking , for one day they will have their hands out begging for help only to be told to feck off .......I will be here to tell you I told you so
    Sludge. Theresa, i could see a glint in her eyes when she arrived in Brussels today. Now there's a sort, I'm sure you wouldn't say no to her 😁

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